“Hey Sweetness, how have you been?” Luca strolls over to me at the nurse’s station hanging on to his IV machine and pole. Luca has been looking a little paler over the last couple of weeks. This round of chemo has been taking a toll on him this time around. The dose he is on, doxorubicin is extremely strong, with the hopes of trying to beat his cancer this time around. However, being a pediatric nurse for the last few years, and seeing his labs and scans lately, I am praying for a miracle. Luca is acting as if he is feeling fine, except it is a mask he is hiding behind.

I am working yet another overnight shift, simply the money on the overnight shifts is much more, and it is hard to say no. Plus, it is nice to take a break from the hectic schedule of the day shifts. I smile when he says it because the boy has been through so much and is only twelve years old.

“Hey Luca. What are you doing up so late?” I ask him because it was way past midnight and the floor was a ghost town.

“Gah I could not sleep Evie. The new kid next door to my room is so loud when they are playing their video games. Plus, they snore so loud, too! It’s like hello there are other kids here. Jeez.” He is gesturing with his hands at his tells it so animatedly. I shake my head smile at him, “Evie, I am a growing boy, well, a man who needs their beauty sleep. I need to be on my A game with the ladies and you, of course.” He winks.

“What ladies are you speaking of? I assumed I was the only one on your radar. I am hurt Luca,” I say holding my chest frowning at him.

“Evie, baby, you are my number one and will be forever, I think this firefighter dude is some serious competition. I overheard Soph the other day telling G. So, ya know, I need to keep my reputation intact here.” Luca tells me, bobbing his head like he is trying to believe himself.

This boy is one of the sweetest and one of the best patients I have ever had working at either hospital, it simply breaks my heart how aggressive his cancer is this time, and we are not sure it is beatable. I shudder when I think about it.

“All right lover boy, I can understand, but come to me so I can vet out these ladies you speak of. Nothing but the best, my man.” I wink at him as I get up to get my secret stash of ice cream where I only keep hidden in the nurse’s fridge.

“You got it Evie. Now, please tell me you have a rocky road or this pretty face of mine will not look so pretty.” I shake my head at him.

* * *

A few days later Declan and I planned another date and this time he wanted me to come over to his place to cook me dinner, which is one of the sexiest things a man can do for a woman. Jake not once cooked for me ever. Thinking back on our time together, I do not even think he knew what a pan was or how to turn on the stove. Did I accept his behavior and do everything for him? I guess so.

Declan texted me his address as I was going to be heading over after work. I worked a half shift today during the afternoon to help with coverage, as we are short staffed with some people out on vacations. I told him I wanted to run home to change first rather than him picking me up. A girl needs to prepare for these types of things…. We need to wash head to toe, exfoliate, shave everywhere, moisturize our bodies, and then the hair, makeup and outfit. I am hoping tonight turns into more. It has been nothing but foreplay, and I am not sure how much more I can take before I explode. The messages are getting heavier and steamy and the phone calls, too. I am already clamping my thighs together and I am on the freaking subway home.

I took the fastest shower I have ever taken in the history of time because I wanted to take time to pick out my outfit and do my hair and makeup. I face timed Sophia and Grace on their opinions on what I should wear.

“I say slut it up GF. You want to ride his D into orgasm town all night! So, show up and bam! I mean, I do not see the reason to wait any longer.” Sophia says eating chips and gauc on the phone.

“Jesus Soph! No, Evie, do not listen to the sex crazed manic on this phone. Be you. Be the girl he met at the bar and who he has been talking to. I mean, maybe wear some sexy undies and a matching bra underneath.” Grace chimes in and zeroing her eyes on Soph.

“Yawn fest.” Sophia fakes yawns.

“Thanks, loves. I think I have an idea. I bought that the new black bra and lace black thong the other day. I will wear those, and I am thinking my tall black boots with the heal, dark blue jeans and a simple a black shirt with my army green jacket. Thinking I will keep my hair down and curly. Simple and same with my make up too?” I am trying to seem chill about this date, I am a nervous wreck.

“Yeah, all sounds perfect…… Wait, you mean the boots that are suede or leather? I like either, the suede is more for a night out and the leather could go either way. You want to seem chill with a little sexy mixed in, not over kill.” Grace says as I am holding up the phone searching for the boots.

“I say go with the leather ones. Save the suede ones for the bachelorette party in a few weeks. And diddo on what Grace said……. Shit, I got gauc on my shirt,” Sophia whines.

“Thanks bitches. I will let you know how it goes! Bye!” I sing song. Thank goodness for those two since I have moved here because I am not sure how I would get through this new stage in my life.

Right at seven on the dot, I am arriving at Declan’s apartment in South Boston, and it screams Boston too. A two-story townhouse covered in brick with the brick steps leading up to the front door to his apartment. You can hear the neighborhood traffic in the distance. It fits him too because, as he has told me how his heart bleeds for Boston and it does for his whole family too. I knock on his door and when he opens it, he honestly looks so yummy and so relaxed. I stuck in a breath as I take him all in. He has on dark jeans which are snug on his tree trunk legs and sit low on his waist with an olive-green long sleeve Henley shirt which is overly tight on those python biceps. He has his sleeves pushed up, showing some of his tattoos. My eyes finally make their way to his handsome face and the right dimple gets me every time.

“Hey beautiful,” He smiles and leans in for a soft kiss.

“Hi,” I blush as he gestures for me to walk into his apartment.

As I walk in, I am taking in his space. He has it decorated manly, only it also gives off a homey feel to it. Typically, a man’s apartment, I would think, they would cover the place in beer bottles and one chair in front of the TV. Nope, not here. He has some art on the walls, a nice couch set, some family photos around and, of course, pictures of him with the guys at the station. Maybe not completely a bachelor, only close.

“I hope you like homemade chicken parmesan with garlic bread. Because I have to admit I have been craving it lately and I might have bribed my mother for this recipe. And no asking what is in it,” he tells me with a wink as he continues to stir the sauce.

“Smells like heaven if you ask me and I bet it tastes even better,” I say as I walk up next to him at the stove and wrapping my arms around his waist. He then turns to me and has me taste the sauce. As he puts the wooden spoon in my mouth, I keep my eyes on him and when the sauce hits my tongue, I let out a little moan. His eyes turned a deeper blue, laced with hunger. He licks his bottom lip with his gaze fixated on my lips.

He pulls the spoon away and I say, “Yep, taste like heaven.”

Declan clears his throat and puts the finishing touches on dinner and plates it so we can start eating. It was one of the best chicken parmesan I have had in a long time, and I am stuffed. Throughout dinner, we chatted more about his family and mine. It’s nice for someone to understand coming from a somewhat large family because it is chaos in the house twenty-four-seven.

After dinner, we moved to the couch with our beers to settle in watching a movie on Netflix. I mean, I will take whatever I can to be closer to this man. The simplest slightest touches from him tonight and the kisses already have my body buzzing and I keep squeezing my thighs together. Breathing in his scent and being in his home is turning me on and I am doing all I can not to jump his bones. We are sitting on the couch cuddling and watching -The Office-, not really a movie, but how you cannot not watchThe Office? Declan has his arm around my shoulders, playing with my hair and twirling it along his fingers. He ever so slightly touches my skin and I instantly get goosebumps all over. He must know the effect he is having on me because out of the corner of my eye, I see him smirk. I have my head on his shoulder and I am grazing my hand on his stomach and each time I move my hand up and down, his ab muscles contract. I am not the only one being affected.

I can feel he is staring at me, and I glance up at him into his blue eyes, he then takes his other hand, pinches my chin with his thumb and index finger and lowers his head and I feel his hot breath against my lips. His lips then crash onto mine, and oh my god, can he kiss. His lips are moving against mine and his tongue is touching my lips, wanting access to my mouth as I open for him. I move myself so I am straddling him without breaking our kiss, with his hands are roaming all over my body, from my thick thighs, my back, my ass and my breast. I push myself into his touch more and grind my center on him.