“Their favorite aunt! And you can let Elise know who their favorite aunt is. We all know who the favorite one in the family is so…. Let me know so I can see if I am working or if I need to switch,” I tell him.

“I will tell her for sure. She is coming over later.” He laughs so loud.

“Speaking of Elise, I need to call her. Her wedding is coming up soon and Douche Canoe is in the wedding.” Even the idea of him makes me sick.

“More like fucking tawt. Oh, I did not tell you, I saw him the other day when I was on my lunch break. Little fuck saw me and ran the other way. Douche,” My brother gets growlery at the thought of Jake.

“Ha, he is a douche. Sometimes I feel I wasted too much time and energy with the relationship having blinders on and not seeing who he truly was,” I tell Eddie softly. I mean, I let Jake walk all over me.

“You cannot dwell on the past, Evie. He turned out to be a douche who became self-absorbed and started pushing you to the back. No man should ever do what he did to who they claim to love, nor should they fuck their mutual best friend. The right guy is out there. I mean, sure, I will threaten whoever the fuck it is, Evie, you are a knockout. Fuck Captain Douche.” My brother has a way with words regarding my ex. I swear Jake got lucky I did not let Eddie loose on him.

“Thanks, Eddie. Love you. Tell McKayla I will text her later and give my babies their love. Oh, tell Elise I am the favorite.” I shout into the phone as I heard my sister walk into his house.

“Love you too, weirdo.” Not even a five minutes later, my phone rings again. Elise. I am smiling as I hit answer.

She yells into the phone “BITCH I AM THE FAVORITE!”

“Um yeah okay E. Whatever your need to tell yourself.” I am smiling so hard, and my face is hurting.

“Well, I do as it is true. What’s up, slut face?” Elise says aggressively.

“Not much. Got home not too long ago from work. As I was explaining to Eddie how I need to call you.” I yawn as I am exhausted.

“How are you liking it there?” Elise asks softly.

“It’s great I am making some friends and well, umm…” I trail off.

“Umm, what Evie?” Elise asks me.

“Do not tell Eddie, Dad or Mom… I have a date Friday.” I wince, telling Elise because I know she is going to freak.

“YOU HAVE A WHAT?” I hear Eddie asking her in the background.

“Damn it, do not tell him, as he will have a million questions. Yeah, I have a date and I am so nervous,” I whine and scold myself for telling her now.

I hear her cover the phone and yelling to Eddie to mind his own business. “Shit, Evie. Well, when I am home, we will talk more since OUR BROTHER IS A CREEPER!”

“Yeah, he totally is. We will talk more about my date with a super-hot firefighter,” I smile as I think about my date with Declan. I am already blushing.

“Sweet baby Jesus, you are kidding?” My sister is at a loss for words; no this is not happening, is it?

“Nope. Dead serious.” Biting my lip to hold in my laughter.

“Yeah, I will need deets stat,” she demands.

“Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about your wedding in a few months. I know Jake is in the wedding and you are not making me walk with him, are you? I know Luke and him are still friends,” I tell Elise before she cuts me off.

“Listen Evie, I have told the piece of shit where he can go. Luke told him it was not cool and since you are his almost sister-in-law, he cannot support his actions. He is not in the wedding any longer is the short version of the story. I mean, he is still a guest. You are the Maid of Honor, and you are a smoke show and Jake was a dipshit! And who knows, if this firefighter lights you up, maybe he will make an appearance.” She says it all a bit too eustatically for me at this moment.

“E, really? Can you tell Luke I love him even more? God, they have been friends for a long time. Family is forever. God, E! Do not jinx it!” I whine to her.

“You know I am, right? Yeah, I will tell him later. Shit, Eddie is yelling, I need to go. Something about I parked wrong. Love you!” she sings songs.

“Love you too.” I miss them so much. I feel Boston is where I need to be.