The week dragged on, and it was finally Friday, and I was finally going to see Declan again. I cannot believe how nervous I was about this date; our first date. I face timed with my sister about what to wear because Declan was vague about what we were doing. All he mentioned was to he wanted to show me the real Boston. Elise helped me decide on my favorite skinny jeans as they hug my curvy figure and enhanced my ass nicely. I paired them with a white top along with my black jacket and finishing the look with my white converse. I figured we would be walking a lot and I do not want to be one of those girls in heels ending up with feet full of blisters.
Elise said I needed to add some accessories to keep it fun and light, so I picked out my gold hoops and my favorite bangles. Again, I did not want to seem like I was desperate, I am also a laid-back type of girl. I am not one to get dressed up all the time. If I could live in my sweats all day every day, I would be the happiest girl in the world. Seriously, I wear scrubs for a living! I called Sophia to ask her how I should do my make-up and well she said to do a smokey eye and a bold red lip, I was not feeling verybold. So, I decided less was more, plus he saw me a few days ago at work with my scrubs and messy hair bun. I applied some light foundation, a little blush, mascara, and lip gloss. Nice and simple. I chose to have my hair down, showcasing my thick curls. I will bring a hair tie though, in case I need it. Ugh, this is killing me, not knowing what we are doing.
While I finish getting ready, I take in my body in front of the mirror. I have been self-conscious of my body since I have a large behind, thick thighs which do touch and rolls on my stomach. Jake was extremely vocal about my weight over the years. His hurtful words still sting, and I keep thinking, what is the world does Declan see in me. Does he truly find me attractive? Having been with Jake for too long, I really started to believe him on how unattractive my body was.
Of course, right at seven on the dot, there was a knock at my door. I will admit I felt a little strange giving him my address, on the other hand I need to step out of my comfort zone here. I took five seconds to myself and looked in the mirror by the entry way to gather myself. Jeez, why am I so nervous? Oh, yeah, how could I forget I have a date with the Adonis of all men who walks into fires for a living? I go to open the door and there is Declan leaning against the door and oh, this man is everything and more. I need to squeeze my thighs together and push down a moan, so I do not make a fool of myself. God damn he is so sexy. Dressed in jeans which are so tight around his muscular legs. I mean, are those even legs or are they tree trunks? He also has on a black shirt with an olive-green jacket on. His hair is messy as if he just shook his hair, the roll of out bed kind of a style. Man, he makes all clothes sexy. When he sees me, he smiles, and his delicious right dimple pops out.
“Hi,” I say breathlessly
“Hi,” Declan’s voice is deep and raspy.
“Wow Evie, you look beautiful. Are you ready to head out?” Declan asks me while he trails his eyes up and down my body licking his lips.
“Yes. Let me grab my purse.” Smiling at him. I need to control myself.
I grab my purse, and we head downstairs, once we get outside, I see he drove here. He drives a massive pickup truck. Of course, he does, because everything about this man screams, man!
“Not going to lie, I pictured you having a badass motorcycle and not a massive pickup truck,” pointing at the truck as I was chuckling.
“Oh, I have one. Which is for another time.” He winks at me, grabbing my hand, lacing his fingers with mine.
“So, are we driving to this top-secret date you have planned?” I am trying to fish information out of him about this date he has planned.
“Nope, this is a reason to make sure I walk you home. We are going to walk and take the subway see as we live in Boston and the parking is a total fucking bitch.” Oh, my goodness am I getting incredibly turned on by his Boston accent? Lord help me.
We take the T to Little Italy on the North End. I love it over here on the North End because you feel you have stepped into Italy itself. There are clothes hanging up high from people’s apartments, people are playing games in the streets, old men are bickering at each other, and it feels homey. We make it to Giacomo’s for dinner. Oh, senses overload with how it smells like heaven. I love me some crabs and my body shows it too. I am curvy with big tits, with an ass for days, thick thighs which love each other with their closeness. My sister Elise tells me how much she wishes she had my tits or ass. Jake would throw jabs at me from time to time again on my body because in his mind, I was fat because I am on the thicker side, and he would tell me how I need to lose weight and work out more. He would complain my hips were too wide, my thighs were too thick, my belly was not flat, and it is hard to keep the girls in place sometimes, too.
“So, Declan no last name. Is this how you woo all of your dates by taking them to Little Italy?” I ask, smiling at him.
“Well, Evie no last name, this would be a first date for me in a long time,” smirking while he holds my gaze, asking me my last name.
“Cooperson. My last name is Cooperson,” I tell Declan.
“Fitzgerald, Declan Fitzgerald. And now we have our last names out of the way. We are no longer strangers. Now, we are two people who are extremely attracted to each other on a date in Little Italy,” Declan says, staring into my eyes from a crossed the table.
“Well, this is a great idea for a first date. It has been a while for me as well.” I look away because I should not be talking about or even thinking about Jake. I have been trying to find who Evie is after ending it with Jake. For so long I believed my body was unattractive or how it was embarrassing for him. Now, I am starting to appreciate my body I have, and it seems as if Declan does too.
“You mentioned you moved down here to start over. Is it safe to assume it was because of your ex? I mean, I should thank him since now I get to spend time with you.” He smiles at me. Jesus, his smile. I swear his smile alone could make my body combust.
“This is not first date talk… yes, you are correct. My ex and I were together just shy of about six years. Met in college, moved back home, help support him through law school, career growth and then I walk in on him having sex with our mutual friend. So, I packed up, moved down here to start over and put myself first for once.” I fidget with my hands, and I slowly looked at him.
“Fucking asshole. He clearly was not man enough for you because you gave up a lot for him from what it sounds. He sounds to me like an insecure asshole who did not know what he had in front of him, which is a beautiful, sexy, smart, independent woman. I understand my ex cheated on me too, with whom I considered was a good friend.” What woman in their right mind would cheat on this hunk of a man? A dummy is who.
Throughout dinner, the conversation flowed so easily, like we have known each other our whole lives. There is something about the way he is gazing at me. It makes me feel I am the sexist woman in the room. I certainly have not felt sexy before in my whole life and the hunger in his eyes has my whole body lightening up as if he has lit a match. He keeps touching my hand, my arm and my back and overtime, I get this electric feeling throughout my body with goosebumps. After dinner we stop and get dessert at Mike’s Pastry. My pants are so tight, though I do not want to stop eating because this food is so good. We walk around Little Italy some more while he is holding my hand.
It feels good to have a man who wants to be near me and touch me. I wonder what those big callous hands would feel like on the rest of my body. We make our way to the pier to watch the boats and simply take in the skyline of Boston. This first date has been awfully romantic. Jake not once put any effort into any of our dates or were they even dates since we were both two broke college kids when we met.
We both are silent as we are taking in the scenery. Declan is the first to speak. “Evie, I like you. When you slammed into me, you took my breath away the moment I looked into your eyes.” I turn to look him in the eyes and my heart is beating so fast in my chest to the fact I am surprised he does not hear it. “And since then, Evie, you have been all I have thought about,” he is staring at my lips as I lick them and back to my eyes while he is licking his lips. This is the moment he is going to kiss me, and I can feel it. And boy, do I want this beautiful man to kiss me with his soft lips that I can not stop staring at. He takes his hand up to the nape of my neck and leans forward and presses his lips to mine. His lips feel so soft, like pillows, and his tongue pushes against my lips as I open for him. I move my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Of course, this man is a brilliant at kissing. The soft kiss is now turning into hunger as if we cannot get enough of one another. I moan into his mouth, and he responds with his own hungry growl. When we finally pull apart, we both are breathing heavily, our chests rising.
Declan takes his thumb and rubs it over my bottom lip. “I have been wanting to kiss you since I laid eyes on you in the pub. And if I do not stop, this first date will end with you in my bed. I am trying to be a gentleman.” He smirks at me.
Blushing at his comment. I have only ever been with one man in my whole life. I gave Jake my virginity in college and the sex was well, okay? There is nothing to compare it to. I haven’t experienced an orgasm. I mean no big moment, and I have tried on myself and absolutely nothing. I get a sense Declan will know how to please me in many, many ways.
“You are cute when you blush. I love making you blush Evie, your skin gets pink around your chest, your cheeks turn a like shade of pink, and then your eyes turn a little more copper,” he is creasing my cheek as he tells me is a softer tone.
“Sorry, umm a little,” I say being embarrassed.
“Don’t be. I want you to be open to share what you are thinking or feeling when you are with me. I will never judge you.” He tells me softly with his lips so close to mine.