Real looker over here. “I think you are running late to see the kids,” I say to him.
“I do not mind at all. Maybe the universe is telling us something, seeing as weslammed intoanother again. You know, I have been kicking myself in the ass for not getting your number two weeks ago.” Two weeks ago, I thought he was not into me. I guess I was wrong.
“Oh, you were huh?” Am I flirting? I think so. Let’s see how horrible I do.
“Yeah, I was, now I am going to ask. Evie, may I have your number?” Blushing, again, I need to get a grip.
“Sure. Let me see your phone.” He hands it over and I plug in my number and send myself a text, so I have his number. “I look forward to talking to you again Evie,” he turns on his heels and heads to the common room. Okay, am I dreaming, or did I give Declan my number?
* * *
Declan: Hey!
Me: Hey You!
Declan: How is my favorite nurse doing?
Me: Exhausted. I do not know why I do this to myself by working three twelve-hour shifts in a row!!
Declan: Shit! Evie, you will run yourself down if you keep doing those shifts. I once did two 24 hours shifts back-to-back. Never again.
Me: Okay, you win!
Declan: Okay, I am going to sound like a pansy, I am glad Islammedinto you today.
Me: Me too. Crazy, huh?
Declan: What are you doing this Friday?
Me: Shockingly, I have the day off. Why?
Declan: I would like to take you out on a date, Evie.
Me: I would love to go on a date with you.
Declan: I can pick you up at seven? After work?
Me: Sounds good to me. Um, can I ask what we are doing?
Declan: Seeing what the great city of Boston can bestow.
Me: :) Cannot wait.
Declan: Me too. Goodnight Evie.
Oh, my goodness, how did this happen in fourteen hours? I mean, we ran into each other, traded numbers, and then he asked me out on a date. Jeez Louise! I do not think I have been this giddy in a long time and I was never like this with Jake. My phone rings in my hand, and I am thinking it is another text from Declan. Nope, it is my brother Eddie calling me.
“Hey bro!” Smiling at the phone talking to Eddie.
“Yo sis! How are you doing? How is Boston treating you?” Eddie asks.
“Um, it is going great. Shockingly enough, I have made two friends from my nursing unit. The apartment is a dream and I love where I am working. How are you? How is McKayla? And importantly, how are my babies?” I want to know everything as I miss them so much.
“I am doing good. McKayla is good, as you know, since you two text all the damn time. Your babies are not babies weirdo, they are eight and six. The two demons are good.” He wines about my perfect angles.
“Do not call my sweet niece and nephew demons asshole,” I chuckle at him.
“That they are, so yeah. Oh, I wanted to see if you have a few days off. I want to bring the kids down and obviously they want to see their Auntie Evie,” he deadpans.