The first month working at Tuft’s has been going great and I am feeling even better about my decision to take this job. I have clicked with two of the other nurses in my unit, Sophia and Grace. Sophia is a firecracker and has a sailor's mouth for days. I have even learned unfamiliar words and phrases from her. I will say Sophia is gorgeous with the blonde hair and blue eyes. Grace is sweet and has the most beautiful red hair I have ever seen and the lightest green eyes. Grace is the opposite of Sophia, which works. We have only been working together for a month, it positively feels like we have been friends for years.
“I am so excited for the three of us to have the weekend off. I mean, I have not seen this happen with all three of us off the same shift and I am keeping my mouth shut for once. Leave it to fucking Karen to mess up with the schedule. Oh, well.” Sophia swirls around to me and Grace.
“Sophia, her name is not Karen. It is Anna.” Grace sighs to Sophia.
“Grace, she is a goddamn, Karen. Did you hear her at the meeting yesterday? She was questioning her boss on fucking protocol! Jesus Christ! If I was her boss, I would punch her in the face!” Sophia mentions to Grace in a heated tone.
“Okay, Sophia, let’s focus on what we are going to do tonight. And yes, Anna is a total Karen. She was questioning me on how I was giving the shift change their report. Umm, stay in your lane!” I agree with Sophia with her crazy terminology.
“See Grace, Evie even agrees. And fuck her comments. You give great detailed reports.” Sophia beams at me, agreeing…. well, somewhat with her.
“Okay, moving on, I think we should check out the bar or pub. Whatever it is, I think it’s on Boylston Street.” Graces mentions by changing the topic so we can control Sophia.
“Oh yeah, I have been by there. It is ten minutes or so from my place. Want to get ready there and then take an Uber?” I suggest to the girls
“Hell yes.” They both agreed at the same time.
* * *
I am feeling myself in my outfit tonight because I am not putting in the effort for someone else, only for myself. Sophia is a magical genius with makeup. God damn, is she gifted and if she stopped doing nursing, she would make a killing doing this full time. She has me even checking myself out. Sophia whistles in my direction. I have on fo’leather pants, which are like a second skin showing off my curves and my ass. I paired it with black lace see thru top with a black bralette under neath which enhances my big breast. The shoes make this outfit come together, bright pink pumps I got the other day. These shoes are not anything I would wear back home or even with Jake. Jake would complain about my clothing choices over the years, to the point about how unattractive I dress, and I need to ‘put in the effort’ with him.
He would say to me, “Evie couldn’t you at least cover up a little? Everyone is gawking, and it’s embarrassing.” He used to like the way I dressed when we started dating six years ago. Tonight, is about feeling good about myself and to spending time with the two girls who are becoming my best friends.
The bar, aka Lucky’s Pub, is packed! I guess we chose the right bar tonight. It is what I imagine a pub being like in Boston: classic booths, dark wood walls, wooden stools by the bar; and the bar top have so many beers to choose from. When you walk in, you get hit in the face with the smell of hops and a mixture of sweat. We make our way to the bar to get some drinks. I am a lightweight and I know I need to stay away from the hard stuff. I enjoy an excellent beer. Back home in Maine, we have a ton of breweries. It seemed they were popping up everywhere.
“What are you bitches having? I am getting shitty tonight and then I am going to ride some D!” Sophia says ungodly loud.
“I am going to stick to beer as hard liquor and myself do not mix well. So, order me whatever beer you think.” I squirm as I remember my sister-in-law’s bachelorette party where I let Elise convince me that tequila was a great choice to have that night. The answer is no, no it is not. I thought I was seriously dying of alcohol poisoning, and I am a nurse.
“I will have a vodka cram,” Grace says. We wait for our drinks at the bar sitting on the bar stools.
As I stand up from the bar stool to adjust myself, I smack into what feels like a wall. I do not remember there being a wall right in front of the bar. Jesus, nice going Evie. As I take a moment to gather myself, I realize I slammed into a person and not a wall. I trail my eyes up to see who it is, and holy cannoli is this man gorgeous. Does this man have pythons for arms? His biceps are bulging from his big T-shit with his arms covered in tattoos down to his wrist, peaking out at his collar. I would guess his chest is covered in tattoos as well. I lift my eyes travel to his chiseled jaw line with the perfect amount of stubble and those piercing blue eyes. Mentally I am wiping away the drool from my chin.
Then he opens his mouth with a deep Boston accent, sweet baby Jesus, “Woah there, are you okay? Seems we both were not watching where we were going. It is busy in here tonight.” He says with a thick Boston accent.
“Umm... y-yea. Sorry…Oh gosh, did I get my drink on you?” mumbling to him.
“Oh, it’s fine. It will dry. It is only beer. Did I get any on you?” he asks me with the ultimate panty dropper smile of his.
“Oh… no, good thing we both wore black tonight, huh?” I chuckle to myself. Oh god why I am being so awkward about this? There is no helping me. Here is the most beautiful man that I have ever seen in my life, and I am making a complete fool out of myself.
“Let me buy you another drink, seeing as you spilled a good amount of yours.” The Adonis of a man is staring at me, waiting for me to respond….Um, earth to brain, are you there? God, he must think I am a moron as I keep staring at him. Words. Evie. Words.
“I appreciate the offer. Although I am not one to take drinks from strangers that I hardly know in a bar who Islammed into,” I say with a smile. Oh god, he is smiling back and there is a dimple on his right cheek. He has straight, perfect white teeth. Am I dreaming?
“Noted and good as you should not. So, my name is Declan. What is yours? If we know each other’s names, we won’t be strangers.” Declan chuckles.
“Touché. My name is Evangeline. Everyone calls me Evie, since we are not strangers,” I say with a smile.
“Evie, nice to meet you. What can I get you to drink?” Declan asks me in a playful voice.
“Any beer is fine,” I whisper to him.
“Any beer?” he raises his brow before continuing, “Well then, let’s see what we can do about getting you a fresh drink.” After he gets me another beer, I assumed maybe he was going to leave and carry on with the friends he is with, nope, he has stayed and is talking to me still. Focus Evie.
“You are not from here, are you?” he asks in his Boston accent.
“Well, you are observant. And no, I moved here a little over a month ago. From Maine, which is not too far from here.” He smiles at me. Damn, he has a panty dropper smile if I have ever seen one.