“Evie, this place is busy tonight, and I will get some D tonight!!” Sophia rushes over to me, a little too excited with the men in here tonight. Grace is following behind, shaking her head at Sophia.

“Soph, can you stop yelling about getting… you know what? I am not in search of some D,” Grace says and when she gets to saying ‘D’, she hushes herself.

“Good god woman, live it up!” Sophia sings songs. This is now when she notices Declan is standing with me. I am surprised it took her long to notice the Adonis next to me.

“Evie, who is this smoke show next to you? Are you going to introduce us?” Sophia raises her eyebrows at Declan and glances over at me.

“I am so sorry about my friend is being, well, herself. This is Sophia and this is Grace.” I point to who is who.

“Nice to you meet you both. I was merely chatting with ourfriendEvie here as sheslammed intomeand spilled her drink on me. Being the nice Boston boy I am, I offered to buy her a fresh drink,” Declan explains to my two wide-eyed friends. God damn his smile and dimple. Seriously, take me now against any wall. Oh my god, who am I?

“Well, that is Evie for you. She’s a little clumsy from time to time. Happens at work a lot.” Sophia chuckles loudly.

“The other day you crashed into Dr. Hallstead as you were clocking out,” Grace chimes in. Thanks, Grace, for throwing me under the bus, ---And I believed Grace was the sweet one?

“Jeez, thanks, guys. So glad you find my clumsiness funny,” I deadpan. Jesus, how are his arms so damn big?

“I did not mind beingslammed into.”Declan winks at me and I can feel my face heat up from blushing. Who am I right now?

I had to remove my eyes from staring at him. Fuck how are his eyes so damn blue? I mean honestly, how is it possible? How is it possible he is single? I mean, he is single, right? I think he is. There was no ring? Oh, my god, is he one of those men who goes to bars picking up women who is in a serious relationship? This does not mean he is hoping to get into your pants. I have noticed he keeps running his eyes over me and smiling. God damn his smile and right-side dimple.

“So, the three of you work together? What do you do for work?” Declan is staring at me while asking all three of us the question.

“We work at Tufts Children’s,” Grace says as she glares at Sophia for chugging her drink.

“What do you do for work ---I am sorry what is your name? Since ourEviedid not say,” Sophia says as she is wiping her mouth.

“The name is Declan, and I am a firefighter.” Sophia’s eyes go wide, and I can tell right now she is loving this moment. Grace mentions how she is going to the ladies’ room and is dragging Sophia with her. We all know Sophia is a moment away from saying whatever arises to her mind and it could either be a good thing or the worst. They leave me with the hot firefighter.

“Do you enjoy working at Tufts?” Declan asks me.

“Yeah, I do. The kids there are great, and it’s comparable to the children’s hospital I worked at back home. Do you like being a firefighter?” I ask him, as I have this feeling wash over me where I need to know more about this man.

“Yeah, it is all I ever wanted to be since I was a kid. My old man was one, older brother is a police officer, and my sister married a firefighter. So, you could say it is a family business.” He chuckles, as his eyes have a sparkle in them when he talks about his job.

“HEY YO D! HURRY YOUR ASS UP WE ARE HEADING OUT!” We both turn our heads, and it appears D is him.

“YEAH, GO ON AHEAD I WILL BE RIGHT THERE TY!” Declan yells back to his friend. He then turns to me, “Evie, apparently my asshole friends are heading out. I am glad youslammed intometonight and I got to meet you. Maybe we willslam intoeach other again soon. Have a good night, Evie.”

We both get up and he stares into my eyes like he has done his whole life. He kisses my cheek and I feel this tingling feeling coursing through my body. Am I really drunk after a few drinks?

“You, too.” I blush. I am sure I won’t see him again, as this is Boston. There is about a million to in no way a chance. Throughout the night, I could not stop smiling after Declan left with his friends.