Page 18 of Ours

I squint my eyes at her now, unable to hide my doubt. I just know that’s a fucking lie.

“Really?” I ask her in disbelief. “He really wasn’t expecting me to be there? Are you sure about that?”

“Yes,” she bites out, agitated now. “Stop with the questions, Joshua. Tell me what you’re getting at?”

Letting out a sharp breath, I just decide to get it out, rip the bandage off now.

“I went by Kam and Megan’s condo to see if I could find a clue about where they could be.”

“What are you talking about?” She asks, confused. “They’re in Hawaii.”

“So you talked to Kam?”

“No,” she says slowly. “Dad did. I spoke with him after you called me a few days ago. He said Kam and Megan were going on a trip, but he never found out where. But our travel agent said there was a trip booked there, so, I’m guessing, that's where they are.”

I shake my head. “Megan’s phone is off, and Kam isn’t answering his. Megan’s brothers are looking for her.”

Katie frowns.

“Why? They’re just on vacation,” she says defensively. If I know one thing about Katie, it’s that she’s going to defend Kam and her indignation tells me she’s not hiding anything about where they could be. “You wouldn’t be answering either if you were in Hawaii.”

I’m shaking my head as she talks. “They don’t think they’re there at all,” I cut her off. “They got a hold of Kam and Megan’s account statements-”

Shock takes over Katie’s face at my reveal. “How’d they get into his accounts without an authorization?”

“Megan’s brothers are Crestfields,” I point out. “They have more power and influence than anyone in your family.” She looks taken aback by my straightforwardness, but I keep going. “Anyway, neither of their accounts show any activity in Hawaii except the plane tickets and the resort booked as well as an extended stay.”

Now she really looks lost, staring at me with squinted eyes before looking down at the table.

“Nobody goes on a vacation to Hawaii without buying anything,” she admits through a mutter.

“Exactly,” I say, looking at her closely. “So, do you know of anywhere they might have run off to? Did Kam mention going anywhere or taking a trip somewhere that wasn’t Hawaii when you saw him?”

“No,” she answers. She’s getting flustered now at my relentless prodding. But I keep pushing.

“Katie, Kam isn’t answering his phone, Megan’s phone is off, and nobody has spoken to them for days. He didn’t even tell you where they were going.”

Her gaze comes back to me, but now it’s hard.

“I don’t like what you're suggesting, Joshua,” she says, sneering at me. “How do you know they aren’t in Hawaii? You can’t just accuse him of taking Megan away.”

“Her brothers have people in Hawaii searching around for them right now, Katie,” I tell her calmly. “So I don’t know that they aren’t there, but I wouldn’t just jump to fucking conclusions if I wasn’t being lead there.”

“By who?” she shoots back. “How do you know that?”

“Ian’s worried about her. When she never showed up at her appointment and she wouldn’t answer her phone, he called Cal, and they’ve been keeping in touch,” I tell her. “You can’t me tell you wouldn’t be worried and thinking the same thing. I was there when Cal called and told him they have people searching.”

She frowns hard at me now. “So you go along with Ian’s theory? He’s crazy! He swung a bat at Kam’s head! You know Kam. You know he wouldn’t do anything psychotic like what you’re suggesting.”

“Yeah,” I say, sitting on the edge of my seat. “I thought the same. Look. I was there at their condo that day because Veronica called me. I don’t know if you know or not, but there’s Megan, there’s Alana, and there’s Veronica. Veronica called me, telling me something was wrong with Megan and Kam, but by the time I got there to check on her, Megan was back. Megan said they were fine, so I thought nothing of it. But now, her phone is off- disconnected, I should say- and Kam’s not answering his phone.” When she doesn’t say anything, I go on. “I went back over to their place yesterday; I was leaving there when I called you.”

“Why’d you go there?” she hisses at me. “What were you hoping to find?”

“I felt like I could have tried harder to look into what Veronica was warning me about. So I started digging around. I know there had to be something that would let me know where they are.”

“Jesus, Blue,” she interrupts, almost shouting. “You broke into their home and went through their things? What the hell is wrong with you? You can’t operate like that because you have a little suspicion about something you don’t even have proof of.”

“Only because I was looking for anything to help find Megan,” I tell her as calmly as I can without matching her tone. “And I’m glad I did. I think I found something to hint at what’s going on. I found cameras, Katie, all around their apartment. In the bedroom, in the living room, the kitchen… there was one in the fucking shower head in their bedroom.”