Page 19 of Ours

A small breath escapes her, and the anger that was on her face melts off at my words, but her eyes are wide.

“He put one in the shower too?” she says, more to herself than to me.

That’s not the reaction I was expecting. I’m sitting here, still disturbed by what I found yesterday, and she’s just finding out her brother had cameras all around their apartment, and all she does is gasp? That reaction isn’t big enough for me, not for someone just finding this shit out. I felt like I was going to vomit.

Sitting back in my chair, I scan her face as she looks down at her hand, biting her lip. At my silence, she looks up at me.

“You knew about the cameras,” I state.

She stares back at me for a second, her expression stern and uneasy now. Then she nods. “Yes,” she says, breaking eye contact and looking back down at the table. “Yeah. I knew about the cameras.”

“What the fuck, Katie?” I growl, leaning across the table at her. “How long have you known about them?”

“Not long.” Now she looks worried. “I just saw him for the first time in a while the day you were at the condo. He was checking in on her while he was away to make sure she was still Megan. I didn’t know there was one in the shower, though. He didn’t mention that one. I just knew about the one in the bedroom. I figured there was more, but I didn’t think he’d need to put one in the damn shower!”

I run my hands over my face, trying to get a grip.

“Okay, but why didn’t you say anything?” I ask her, laying my hand out on the table. “That’s some serious shit! That one in the bedroom should have clued you in.”

“I did say something!” She defends herself. “To him. I told him he was getting obsessive, but he didn’t want to hear it. I was trying to get him to see that none of this is worth the trouble and heartache, but for some reason, he just has to haveMegan,like he can’t have any other woman he lays his eyes on. But he denied it.”

“Of course, he’s going to deny he’s being obsessive!” I screech, rolling my palms over my face. “Nobody realizes when they’re losing it! Do you have any idea where they might have gone?” I ask her, trying to calm down. “If you know anything, please tell me. Her brothers are pulling out all the stops to find her, but they’re coming up with nothing.”

She shakes her head. “No,” she says forcefully. “I don’t. He wouldn’t even tell our father.”

“He didn’t hint at anything?” I ask, desperately trying to get something out of her.

“No. Nothing. But it’s not like she’s in any danger. She’s with Kam. So what if you found cameras in questionable locations, he’s just trying to make sure she stays…her. You’re acting like he’d hurt her. If there’s anything I’m sure about, as much as I hate it, is that Kam loves Megan.”

I look across the table at her because I need her to consider the possibility that it actually might be what she doesn’t want to see. She’s clearly in denial. I was, too, until Ian made me see why the pieces weren’t lining up.

“Katie, you and Kam tell each other everything. You don’t know where he went, you haven’t spoken to him in days, and he’s grown distant from you.” She stares past me as I talk, and my words sink in. “Megan’s phone is off, and Kam booked a false trip to Hawaii. You even realized he was getting more obsessed with her. What is this looking like? I know he’s your brother, and you don’t want to accept this possibility, but if it ends up being true, you can’t ignore it.”

She stares blankly past me then she starts shaking her head, but I can see her putting it together. “They should be back any day now.” She’s still trying not to see it like this, but it’s dawning on her. “Kam wouldn’t….kidnap Megan. He wouldn't do that. He’d never hurt her.”

“Yeah, I know that,” I say, trying to keep my patience. She isn’t aware of how vastly different Megan's sides are, so she doesn’t know the hell fire Alana may be on her brother. “But if she ends up afraid, then it’s not going to be Megan he’s there with. If he took her somewhere she wasn’t expecting to go, then Alana or Veronica might come out, and neither of them is going to like that.”

“But she’s with Kam,” she says, her voice shaking. “She’s not going to be scared away.”

“You don’t know that, Katie,” I tell her softly. “Who knows how she’s going to react. With her condition, it’s better if she’s here, in a familiar environment with the doctors she’s used to.”

Katie sits back in her seat and lets out a breath.

“I wish I could help you.” Her voice is much quieter now and quivers as it comes out. “But I really don’t know anything.”

I nod. “I found out what I needed to know.”

She looks at me, her eyes shining with tears and full of confusion.

“If Kam didn’t even tell you anything, then he had a plan when they left.”

“Shit,” she breathes out, and her shoulders slump.

“Yeah, I know,” I nod. “I don’t think they’re going to find them in Hawaii.”

“I’m not so sure either now,” she mutters in agreement.

“I’ll talk to my Dad and let you know if he’s heard from Kam.”