Page 64 of Ours

I couldn’t sleep for shit last night, too nervous I’d wake up, and the tray would be by the door. He hasn’t been knocking and calling out to me like he usually does before he comes into the room, so I would’ve stayed asleep when he drops breakfast off. Since I blocked Veronica out, a decision that I’ve been going back and forth with about trying to undo, I try playing movies to keep my mind from whispering to me that I’m never getting out of here.

I attempted to do this the humble way, but he ignored me the few times I called out to him, shutting the door with no hesitation. So I’m already up, and as breakfast time slowly approaches, my nerves start making my hands quiver, which is total fucking shit. I’ve never been so nervous about confronting anyone in my entire life. This is a new feeling, and I hate it.

But when the doorknob jiggles, I push all of that down; it can’t get in my way now.

He pushes the door open, and I almost rip it off its hinges when I throw it open wider. I meet his eyes before he quickly sets the tray he’s holding down on the table and ushers me further back into the room.

But I wasn’t trying to get out. Where the fuck would I go?

I wanted him to come in here, and he did just that.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Kam!?” I shout as he kicks the door shut with his foot. I turn around and walk deeper into the room, then spin around to face him again. I meant for it to come out calm, but after days of being locked in this room, I’m far from it. “You come on to me, then you lock me back in here because- what- you’re confused? You regret what you did?”

His eyes widen just a bit before he squints at me, a deep scowl settling on his face.

“That’s not why I put you in here again,” he says through clenched teeth. “If you weren’t completely bat shit fucking crazy, you wouldn’t be, but you’re too wild, Alana!” he yells.

My lips pull back at his ludacris statement.

“Yeah! That’s what it is!” I sneer at him viciously. “You’re doing a piss poor job at controlling this situationyougot us in, so you lock me in here to maintain what little control you do have. You’re fucking pathetic!”

“It’s not about control,” he bites out, taking a few steps toward me. “It’s about keepingyouin one spot, so you don’t disappear, hurt yourself, or do any of the other insane shit you’re known for.”

I let out the most humorless laugh I’ve ever heard.

“You’re really going to keep up with that? Spare me that fucking line,” I say. “You’ve already said you wouldn’t put Megan in here becauseyou can control her!!You know exactly what to say to get her to cooperate, and that’s why you had to put me in this room because that shit doesn’t fly with me.” I’m closer to him now, so close that I can poke him in the chest. But I shove him instead. “You’re weak. You’re insecure. You’re not used to having to work for anything. You’re used to women just lying back and rolling over for you, giving you whatever you want. I’m in here because of you. I would fucking ruin you.”

He catches my wrist in his hand, and he glowers down at me, pissed. It’s easy to see just how my words have struck a chord, but I only dig deeper.

I step closer to him and look up right into his face.

“You’d go insane if you had to deal with me for longer than a month. But now you’re just waiting for Megan to come back so you two can bond over what a monster I am and how I tried to seduce you. She’s just as weak and spineless as you are.”

His eyebrows are set low over his eyes, and his grip on my wrist has gotten tighter, but I twist my arm in a circle to get out of it, so I can walk away from him.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, his voice low, and I spin around to face him.

“Then why don’t you fill me in!” I yell, cutting off whatever he was about to say. “Do you know how shitty it is to be locked away in a room to rot? You asshole!” I say, walking back up to him again, unable to get a grip on my overflowing resentment towards him, and I shove him harder this time, way too pissed to care.

“Admit it!” I continue, shoving him again. “Admit that you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, and now you’re floundering, and you don’t know how to deal with your regret about coming on to me! You can’t just lock someone away because you fucked up!”

I go to shove him again, but he catches my wrists in his hands. I try to break free, but he holds on tight.

“Fine!” He shouts in my face, his furry making him unrecognizable. “You want a confession so bad, then here’s one! I don’t know why but you intrigue me, Alana, and I have no idea what to do about it! But I still want to learn more about you for some fucked up reason! Happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear!?”

Huh, I didn’t expect that. Iintriguehim. Welcome to the club, Kameron.