Page 63 of Ours



I stare at the door,trying as hard as I can to hold back the utter rage coursing through me. What stops me from flying off the handle like I want is a small movement from the baby. I remind myself to hold it together for their sake. I have to.

Megan’s gone and hasn’t come back. She disappeared the second Kam ambushed me in the pool, too distraught that Mr. Perfect Prince fucking Charming came on to me. I angrily swipe the back of my hand across my mouth, but that isn’t good enough to get the feel and taste of Kam off of me. I stomp into the bathroom, snatch my toothbrush off the counter, squeeze much more toothpaste than needed onto the bristles and brush my teeth more vigorously than I ever have. I cover every inch of my mouth with toothpaste as I desperately try to get rid of the taste of Kam’s disgusting slimy saliva.

I scrub and brush until my gums can’t take it anymore before swishing mouthwash around, then I hop in the shower to wash away everything else.

But, it can’t wash away the fact that I feel like shit for Megan. I don’t want to because she needed to see that. She needed to see the rest, too, but if she could barely handle one kiss, I have no idea what seeing what happened after would have done to her. She put so much of her trust and faith inKameronthat this must be like a punch to the gut for her. The one person in the world she trusted not only kidnapped her but also came on tome. I already knew he wasn’t shit, but this is devastating news for her.

I knew that wasn’t a solid plan.I growl at Veronica.I knew he’d react this way!

She doesn’t say anything as I cross the room heading into the tub.

What? So now you don’t have shit to say?I seethe.

If my thoughts could yell, they'd shatter glass with how much anger is behind them.

I’m sorry, okay?!She says.I didn’t know he’d come on to you as fast as he did. I thought he’d be more loyal than that. I didn’t know it’d take two seconds to get under his skin. What other plan did we have to go with?!

Anything would have been better! Thanks to your genius fucking idea, I’m stuck in here for who the hell knows how long! If I would’ve just gone with my plan-

“FUCK!” I yell at the ceiling.

Calm down, Alana,she orders.

Nope, you don’t get to tell me what to do anymore, I snip.If I hadn’t listened to you at the beginning of all of this, we wouldn’t still be in this mess. I could’ve already made him let us go. But I went with your plan! Just sit back and shut the fuck up now, Veronica, or I swear to fucking God I’m going to figure out how to block your ass out. I mean it this time! I’m doing this shit my way from now on.

Alana, don’t you get it!? Kam hasn’t left you in here to rot. He’s confused! He doesn’t know how to handle his attraction to you.

What- he tell you that himself?I ask her sarcastically.You thought I was kidding about blocking your ass?

I shut my eyes, trying to figure out how to do this shit. How do I shut her voice off?

Stop it, Alana! If you’d stop and think for once in your life, you would see it for yourself. He was asking you to slow down because you were going too fast. If you would have listened, you might have still been out there!

I let out an incredulous laugh.

So now this is my fault? I carry out a plan you were adamant about, and it’s my fault that I scared him away.

Is it like a line or some shit that I have to snip?

Listen,she begs frantically.All I’m saying is that Kam is trying to figure this out. Given how he and Megan feel about you, this is unexpected to him. Give him time to sort through whatever’s going on in his head, and then he’ll be back.

Time? Fuck time! We’re running out of time! If what you’re saying is true, then I don’t want to give him time to become okay with this. If he’s comfortable with me, he will never leave Megan.

I’m going to have to do this alone, sorry, Veronica.

Wait! Alana-

The silence that surrounds me is loud as fuck when she cuts off, giving me more than enough room to think without her interjecting her oh so wise comments. And since Megan is nowhere to be found, it’s like old times again.

As soon as I step out into the room, the walls seem like they’ve moved inward, and I let out a deep breath in an attempt to dispel some of the panic building in my chest. The silver cloche on the nightstand catches my attention, and when I see it, my hunger comes back to me. I try to let that distract me. I go over to it to find spaghetti and meatballs underneath.

So he’s back to pussing out again, huh? I wonder how long he’s going to keep this up.

For two and a half days,he drops food off for me, then runs the fuck away like he isn’t the one that came on to me. He comes in with no knock or warning, and he’ll crack the door just wide enough to slide the tray in. My patience for that shit runs out pretty fucking quick. I’ve been beyond fed up and antsy, but by dinner time the second day, I’ve had enough. I can’t stay in this room anymore while Kameron copes with what he did. The very thought sends a shiver of disgust down my spine, and it’s what drives me to listen intently for the doorknob for when he brings breakfast.