“You know what I do to people like you, Brent?”
Brent lunges at her with his hands. The crowd gasps, but the Falcon moves back like a snake. Her bullwhip shoots out, wrapping around Brent’s limp dick.
“I’d hold onto that pathetic cock of yours, unless you want to lose it.”
He lets out a sob of pain, his body shaking as he doubles over.
“Yes, that’s better. Stay like that.”
Brent looks up at her, and gets a whip cracked an inch from his face for disobeying. “Want to lose an eye, worm?”
He hurriedly hangs his head again.
“Good. Now don’t move a muscle. I don’t want you to scare my little friend.”
The jaunty music that had been playing this whole time suddenly cuts off. There’s a terrible hush inside the tent as everyone waits.
Evie glances at me. “What—”
She stops when I stroke her thigh and point at the stage with my eyes. “You don’t want to miss this.”
Her eyes go wide, but she turns her head back to the stage.
She’s not the only one who rears back with an audible gasp when the Falcon’s two assistants lead a shaggy donkey onto the stage.
“No. Oh, my God, Owen.No!” Evie spins to look at me, her eyes pleading with me from behind her mask. “Please, make it stop. You can’t—” She swallows hard, glancing back at the stage.
Brent is now openly weeping.
Evie’s eyes swallow me whole when she looks back at me. I graze my knuckles down the front of her throat, thrilling at the feel of the collar. “He deserves this, Evie. This andmore.” My voice sounds strangely hollow, and there’s a fearful light in Evie’s eyes as she searches mine. “I considered having him killed, but this seems more… appropriate.”
I point with my chin toward the camera set up on the sidelines. “Soon as the show’s over, this video is hitting the DMs of every friend he sent your video to. That donkey is the last free fuck he’s getting foryears.”
Her gaze is glued to mine as the Falcon cracks her whip. The donkey lets out a comical bray as its hooves clop over the wooden stage.
Brent starts begging, but at another crack of Falcon’s whip, he subsides into a volley of wretched sobbing.
Evie shakes her head. “No. I can’t let this happen.” She sniffs, dropping her head. “What he did was wrong.Criminal.But this isn’t the way.”
“He’ll never do it again.” There’s a hardness in my voice, and Evie looks up at me in surprise.
“It’s enough.” She glances over at the stage and faces me again with her eyes squeezed shut. “I… I forgive him.” She swallows again, her words uneven. “Make it stop.Now.”
I hold up my hand, palm facing the stage. Evie’s eyes fly open as the crowd starts grumbling. She glances at my hand, then back at me, tears gathering in her dark lashes. She gives me a tiny nod, and then ducks her head as her tears begin to fall.
The Falcon laughs. “You’ve been given a reprieve, you pathetic little worm. What do you say?”
Brent blubbers out a barely comprehensible “Thank you.”
“Louder, wretch!”
“Thank you!” Brent blows out a snot bubble as his sobs start up again. “Thank you!”
Evie quivers beside me, and then shoots to her feet, heading to the tent’s exit with quick steps. When I stand, the Falcon looks over at me. I can’t tell what’s going on under her mask, but I know she’s not happy.
I had no way of knowing whether or not she’d stop. The people who helped me organize this made no promises.
Somehow, I get the feeling I owe her. And I don’t think it’s a good thing to be indebted to a woman like her.
She cracks her whip as I turn to go after Evie, but I refuse to look back. “You think this is over, you horrible piece of shit?” Hooves clomp over the stage, but thankfully they’re headed away from the helpless man. “Your ass isminetonight.”
Brent howls in pain, the sound perfectly timed with the crack of the Falcon’s whip.