Page 128 of Brutal Royal



I roll over, opening bleary eyes when my hand collides with something. As soon as I focus on Owen’s body in the bed beside me, I sit up with a jolt.

Oh. Right. Shit.

I move to slide my legs over the side of the bed, but an arm wraps around my waist, trapping me. “No way, Evie. You’re not disappearing on me again.”

“I need to pee…”

“Hmm.” Owen nuzzles his face into the side of my neck. “You have one minute or I’m coming after you.”

I shove him away with a laugh and hurry to his en-suite bathroom. I thought it would be weird to be back in the Walsh House after everything that’s happened, but it almost feels like coming home.

Owen has a lot to do with that. We got back from The Dancing Fox in the early hours of the morning, and didn’t go to sleep until dawn was brightening the eastern sky. I blush as I remember my evening with him.

“Thirty seconds, Evie.”

I roll my eyes, but flush and go to wash my hands. I’m still naked, and when I step back inside his room, Owen takes in every inch of my body with a hungry, sweeping gaze that stokes a fire deep in my belly.

“You don’t own me,” I tell him as I slide back into bed. “I don’t need your permission topee.”

Owen gives me a bemused smile as he pushes a finger behind the collar around my neck. I forgot I was wearing it. “This says otherwise,” he murmurs, drawing me closer for a kiss.

Before our lips can touch, my phone starts vibrating on the nightstand. Judging from the bright light pouring through the windows, it must be close to noon already.

“Don’t answer it,” he says, but I roll my eyes at him and twist around to pick it up anyway.

“It’s my dad.”

Owen slides a hand between my legs. “Call him back.”

I squint at the phone. “Shit. He’s called a dozen times already. Why didn’t I hear it?”

“I’d like to think I tired you out,” Owen says, his hand inching up to my pussy. “Now put it down, and—”

“Hello?” I answer, pulling Owen’s hand out from between my legs as I turn to sit on the side of the bed. “Dad?”

“Evie! I’ve been calling all morning. Where are you?”

“Uh… at… at college. Why?”

My father’s accent is stronger than usual. He sounds panicked. “You’re not. I’m standing in front of your room. Your roommate says you never came home last night.”

I grab the sheet, bundling it up to my throat. “What are you doing on campus?” I ask, realizing a second too late that I sound super fucking guilty.

“More important, Evie, where areyou?”

“I-I’m at…” I swing around, gazing at Owen with wide eyes. “A… study group?”

Owen rolls his eyes, mouthingstudy grouplike he can’t believe I just said that.

“Hm.” My father doesn’t seem to believe me either. “Well, young lady, when does thisstudy groupof yours end? I must speak with you immediately.”

My hair stands on end at the tone in my father’s voice. “I… uh… I can be back on campus in a few minutes.”

“Then get your—”