“I’ve been reading…” It seemed like a strange changed of subject until he slightly shifted his position. His shallow thrusts were slow and deliberate like he was searching. “…that if I just do this…”

Electric bolts of sensation flooded her body when he found a spot that apparently, no one else had. His face broke into a sexy smile he noticed the shock on her face.

“It does exist,” he whispered before hitting that spot continuously until it felt like Kalilah’s soul jumped out of her body. Her toes curled, her damp skin tightened, and her fingers

grabbed for a pillow.

Nick thwarted her efforts. “I want to hear you.”

He emphasized his demand by trapping her hands above her head before thrusting into her one last time. A hoarse scream ripped out of her, and her body convulsed around Nick. Nick’s control shattered. His cock jerked inside of her as it spilled his seed. He moaned her name on repeat.

Nick rolled off her, and they both fought to catch their breaths. Kalilah stared at the ceiling in amazement. She was spent. Her long day came crashing down on her. Nick kissed her then wandered into the bathroom. The Sandman lulled her into a deep, much needed sleep.

Chapter 19

N ick sighed as his body transitioned from sleep to light consciousness. The early morning sun bounced off his closed eyelids, reminding him that they’d failed to close his blinds. He smiled to himself. Too bad he didn’t have any close neighbors that could have seen what he did last night. Did he do anything last night? A small part of him feared it was all an entirely too vivid dream. His eyes flew open and collided with his ceiling. Nothing different there. He touched his naked body. Not out of the ordinary; he slept naked regularly now.

The rest of his senses woke up, and he heard soft snoring. Nick grinned as he rolled onto his side to set eyes on the source. His soft, warm, reddish-brown, and very sexy guest slept on her stomach with one leg bent and the other leg straight. She was still gloriously naked with the sheets gathered at her feet. It was the confirmation he needed. He wasn’t dreaming. A montage of the night before replayed in his head making his dick instantly hard.

Happy birthday to me. Nick’s body convinced him that he should experience morning sex, and his brain happily agreed. He ran his hand along the soft, smooth skin of her ass until his fingers reached the slit beneath.

“Mmm,” Nick murmured when he slipped a finger in her slick core.

Her sleeping body accepted his second finger, and her juices coated them. She squirmed but didn’t awaken. He positioned himself between her legs from behind. His excited head rubbed against her moist slit. He bit his bottom lip to keep from groaning out loud. Wet, hot flesh engulfed his dick automatically gripping him in the best kind of hug.

Kalilah woke up with a gasp at the sudden intrusion. Nick rolled them to their sides and continued to thrust. He felt her relax when her brain caught up with her body.

“Oh, Nick.”

She moaned between thrusts. Her hand reached behind her to rest on his hip. Nick reached around and grabbed one of her jiggling breasts. His bedroom was his new favorite part of the house, especially in that very moment. The room smelled like their lovemaking, and the usually quiet space was filled with skin smacking against skin and moans.

Nick rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Kalilah responded by thrusting her hips back. Pleasure shot straight to his heart and shaft. The end was coming. The tingling in his spine and tightening of balls gave him an ultimatum. Cum with her or without her.

She whimpered in protest when his hand abandoned her nipple. His questing fingers found her clit and began to rub it in a circular motion while he nibbled on her back. She switched between “oh, shit” and “fuck” until he repositioned himself to find that magical spot again. Without being able to see her face, he had to rely on her body language to tell him when he found it.

He received his cue when her body stiffened and she moaned helplessly. Fantastic. Nick started to pound her harder. He couldn’t last much longer; he need her to melt now! His thrusts became jerky, and he started rubbing her clit in tune with hitting her spot. He applied more pressure on top while hitting the bottom of the spot.

“Oh, shit! I’m cumming.” Her walls clamped down on him, and he felt her moan travel through her whole body. She reached behind and threaded her fingers into his hair as she rode out her orgasm. Nick’s orgasm blindsided him, and his cum gushed into his favorite tunnel. The heat from his cum and the sensation of his body filling hers sent her into another orgasm. Nick would have smiled if it didn’t feel like all the life was just pulled out of him.

They lay there for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts, their bodies heaving in syncopating breaths. Kalilah was the first to break the silence.


“Hmmm?” he asked as his thumb rubbed lazy circles in the soft skin of her arm.

He was content. Well, almost fully content; he was slightly sad when his now flaccid member slid out of Kalilah’s body.

“Two things. No, three. One, happy birthday. Two, this is the only reason you are ever allowed to wake me up this damn early on a Saturday. Three, your cum is now slipping out of my body onto the bed.”

Nick chuckled. “One, thank you, baby. Two, noted. Three, that is the sexiest thing anyone as ever said to me.”

It took a lot of negotiating, but Kalilah managed to successfully get Nick groomed, dressed, and in the car. She eventually made him drive so he could keep his hands to himself. He tried everything in his power to get her to stay in bed with him all day, but they had brunch plans. She needed to get out of his lair so she could clear her head. The feelings she tried to suppress mocked her. She couldn’t make love to him all day and send him off to his birthday party with close friends and family without her. She wasn’t invited.

Kalilah’s brain tried to convince her heart to not be delusional; they were not a couple. He didn’t acknowledge her as a more than a colleague at work. Her brain told her that he didn’t want to break the fraternization policy, but her emotions called bullshit. They’d spent a lot of time together to get him to this point. She was briefly living with him; his dad could show up at any moment.

Her brain argued that she’d met Dex, which had to count for something. Because he showed up to Nick’s house while you were there, her emotions mocked. Part of her thought she should ask, and the other part didn’t want to look needy. She stared out the window, watching buildings blur as they passed them. He was on another “happy birthday” call and she couldn’t say anything. This sucks.

Kalilah shook the thoughts out of her head. It was his birthday. It wasn’t time for her to sulk. It was time to show him a good day, well part of the day. Okay, that was her last negative thought. Besides, she shouldn’t miss out on the opportunity to have more sex with him while she could.