The first time went as she expected. The next few times were incredible and baffling. How did he get so good so fast? She considered calling Guinness because that had to be some sort of record. She felt the stirrings of arousal. He was turning her into a ball of hormones.

The movement of his hand caught her eye as he pushed his fingers through his short, soft waves out of habit from when it was longer. Kalilah fought the urge to recall how his strands slipped between her fingers while his head was between her legs.

He chatted away happily on the Bluetooth in his ear while his right dimple teased her. Those wonderful fingers of his resumed tapping the steering wheel. His stomach jerked when he laughed unexpectedly at something. His jean clad thigh flexed when he moved his foot from the gas to the brake.

Kalilah felt the mood shift before their eyes met. He was still on the phone, but his attention was focused on her. His gray eyes were intense and questioning.

“Yeah,” he said absently into the headset, obviously not paying attention to what was being said.

He raised an eyebrow and twirled his finger in a circle, silently asking her if she wanted him to turn around. His eyebrow was quirked while he waited for an answer. His eyes made a lot of sexual promises.

She shook her head. Her mind said, “No.” Her body screamed, “Hell yes! Or at least pull over.” Nick’s eyes scanned her body intently, and she crossed her bare legs to tame the throbbing. She suddenly felt naked in her thin sundress. As much as she would love to be in the sex coma his eyes promised, they had a schedule and people waiting. Plus, she needed time to wrap her mind around the new level of their relationship.

The new restaurant, The Food Lab, came into view, and Nick pulled into a parking spot.

“Okay, thank you. Bye now.”

Nick said to his caller and put his SUV into park. He covered her mouth with his before she could take off her seatbelt. His talented tongue slid into her mouth, immediately igniting the hormones she was desperately trying to control. She moaned into his mouth and pulled him closer not caring that he was kissing away her lip gloss. She momentarily wondered just how tinted his windows were until Nick’s roaming hand shut off her brain.

His hand moved up her dress and between her thighs to cup her intimately. His fingers lightly pressed against the triangle of fabric.

“I knew you were wet for me.”

Her phone rang – Cayla’s ringtone; she was probably waiting inside. He nuzzled her neck before meeting her eyes again.

“To be continued.”

He gave her a peck on her lips before heading into the restaurant. In their usual fashion, they didn’t hold hands or perform any PDA that was indicative of being a couple.

She instantly missed his touch, and her heart was still trying to return to its normal rhythm when they entered the restaurant. The aroma of delicious food was a much-needed distraction from her hormones. Kalilah and the girls had cyber-stalked this place for the last two months.

The Food Lab had opened two weeks ago, and the reviews were exceptional, although there wasn’t much information on the owner or company behind it. It promised fresh farm-to-table food on a full-service menu. Depending on the time of day, the menu ranged from breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner. Her mouth watered as they were ushered through posh tables by an impeccably dressed hostess.

The restaurant was bright and modern enough to feel exclusive, yet traditional enough to feel welcoming. The walls were huge window panes surrounded by steel with picturesque views of the waterways in The Woodlands. It was clean, simple, and breathtaking. Cayla and Natalia waved from their seats. They both hugged and kissed Nick and Kalilah on the cheeks before everyone returned to the table. It was just the four of them since Kalilah did not know the other people in Nick’s life, and they didn’t really speak to anyone else at work.

“Happy birthday, Nick,” Both beamed i

n unison.

“Thank you,” Nick accepted their wishes and flashed them both a megawatt smile, dimples and all.

Kalilah smirked when both women flushed a little; they were still getting used to Nick’s enhanced look and personality. Kalilah was glad she wasn’t the only one.

Nick opened his menu, and Kalilah glanced at Natalia in time to see her fan herself while mouthing, “Told you. Lady Killer.”

Dex Sinclair watched from the kitchen as his brother entered the restaurant with his fine as hell quasi girlfriend. He shook his head at the thought, if a woman like Kalilah was interested in him, she would be locked in a relationship and probably pregnant. Nick was still dancing around the idea of closing the deal and it, aggravated him. Dex knew without a doubt that they loved each other, but both were scared to make it official.

Dex scoffed inwardly was he watched their body language. They walked side by side not touching. He saw Nick reach for her then retreat several times, and Kalilah would stare longingly at him when he wasn’t looking.


“What was that, Boss?” Dex inwardly cringed. One, he didn’t like being called “boss.” Two, the person that was currently talking to him constantly invaded his space.

“Nothing, Daniella.”

He reluctantly turned to face her knowing he would find her ogling him. Again. Yep. She was making inappropriate promises with her eyes.

“What’s up?”