Nick placed both of his hands on the side of her and started to stand. Kalilah had no choice but to lie back on the bed. He hovered over her; his knees on both sides of her hips and his arms extended, their bodies not touching. He devoured her with his eyes.

“And to thank you for your patience, I also fully intend to learn your body and make you cum hard and often.”

Kalilah was useless. She couldn’t think or respond. All she could do was lie there and look at him.

The room was silent. Only the sounds of their breathing filled the space. Nick was the picture of restraint. The muscles in his arms bunched with the effort to keep their bodies apart; his gray eyes were dark and intense, and his clenched jaw displayed his left dimple. She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted any man in her life. She would tell him if she could speak.

Nick studied her face for a moment before continuing. “But all I want is a kiss for now. I’ll follow your lead and wait until you’re ready.”

Wait? When I’m ready? Kalilah’s foggy brain tried to decipher his

meaning. He noticed her confusion and plucked at her bra strap.

“Subtle changes speak volumes.”

Kalilah was suddenly mad that she’d put on the stupid fucking bra and panties. He was right. She’d did it to discourage Lazy Friday sex. What a fucking idiot. What the hell was cotton supposed to do? He’d just proved that he could get her hot and bothered while she was fully clothed. She would need a titanium chastity belt to survive the heat he created.

Nick reclaimed her mouth before she could beat herself up too much. All her thoughts left her head. Kalilah was only capable of feeling. His mouth was the only thing touching her. It was one of the most erotic kisses she’d ever experienced.

It would be the muse for her solo play. His tongue mimicked what he wanted to do to the rest of her body. His teeth and lips made their own promises. His kiss was a physical seal on his spoken promise. Kalilah was convinced that he had every intention to follow up on every single promise.

Kalilah shifted when she felt her juices drip in her panties. She needed to change. Her nipples ached, and her clit throbbed. Her whole body was begging for Nick’s attention.

Nick broke the kiss when she’d tried to wrap her body around him.

“No, baby. None of that. Let’s take that nap you promised. Get comfortable. I’m going to take out my contacts. I’ll close the blinds and curtains when I come back.”

Kalilah watched him as he moved. Semi-hard and unashamed, he strolled unhurriedly into the bathroom. Kalilah sighed when he was out of sight. How in the hell could she take a nap after that? It was going to be a long day. She glanced at the clock. Nine in the morning she was already changing into her second pair of panties.

“A friend outing?”

Dex’s laughter rang in his ears. Nick grunted and popped the cap off his cold beer. He took a gulp, the cold liquid slid down his throat cooling him from the inside out. It was fucking hot; between the late August humidity outside and his sexual frustration, he was about to explode.

Kalilah had recovered from her initial shock after their nap and told him that they’d been focusing on sex too much and needed to strengthen their friendship. But, the weeks of being in the friendzone wasn’t what had his brother currently curled up on his couch in the fetal position holding his stomach because the body racking laughter was almost painful.

Kalilah had invited him out to a movie, drinks, and dinner. He’d agreed before he’d realized she was altering girls’ night to include him. Nick insisted she didn’t need to include him and encouraged her to enjoy girls’ night, but all three of them called him and forced him to go.

Later that night, he’d found himself sharing popcorn with three women while watching the biggest chick flick of the season. If he were being honest, the movie wasn’t that bad. He did laugh a few times. Not as hard as Dex was laughing, but he did get to be in a Kalilah and Natalia sandwich during the movie and hold Kalilah’s hand in the dark.

On the down side, he’d received a few interested looks…from men, because he looked like the gay friend. Nick tried to look burlier, but it didn’t work. For all it mattered, he might as well have been wearing MAC and holding a Michael Kors clutch.

He drew the line when the server put a round of cosmopolitans on the high-top table at the bar. He was not going to be seen drinking that shit. And he said as much. All three girls teetered when he said he wasn’t about to be the red-head from Sex in the City. They asked why he chose Miranda – like he cared what her name was. He looked at all three of the beautiful women in front of him, eyes all sparkling with amusement and answered them honestly.

“Because Miranda is the only one that likes pussy,” he deadpanned.

Kalilah looked a little surprised and smacked his arm, Cayla scoffed, and Natalia laughed. He’d paid for everything and volunteered to be the designated driver, encouraging them to drink as much as they wanted. It wasn’t easy since all three were independent women with their own money, but he’d gotten his way in the end.

Overall, the night wasn’t too bad. He got to pretend to be Hugh Hefner, and the girls were funny. They tried to bait him into another “friend night” which brought him back to his loser brother smiling at him with tears of laughter shining in his eyes.

“What’s so fucking funny?” Nick asked. He was not or irritated as he sounded. Honestly, he would have laughed at Dex as well.

“You.” Dex chuckled. “How did you go from a sure thing for sex to painting toenails and girl chats?” Dex wiped the moisture from his eyes. “I mean you were so close. I bet your dick hates you and wants to run away.”

Nick pushed Dex’s feet off his couch. He sat down and took another swig of his beer. His dick did hate him, but he was serious when he told her he’d follow her lead. She may not see it, but sex wasn’t his ultimate goal. It was a close second, he wasn’t going to lie. Nick was so sexually frustrated, he wanted to crawl out of his skin. However, his primary goal was to win her heart. If slow and steady did that, then he’d just have to freeze his balls.

“Maybe she wants you to take the lead,” Dex supplied. Nick’s eyeballed Dex skeptically. “I’m serious,” Dex continued. “Look, you asked her to take it. She said okay. You chickened out several times; she got frustrated. Now you seem ready, but you haven’t shown her that you are ready.”

Nick mulled over Dex’s words. “So, less talk, more action.”