Dex grabbed Nick’s beer and finished it. “Exactly! Think about it. Do you think she would have stopped you last Friday?”

Images of Kalilah, aroused and willing, flashed in his mind.

“No.” It was all he could say.

Dex patted Nick on the back like he was a sad child. Regret hummed through him. He could have taken them both to the next level but hesitated. He’d allowed her bra to dictate what they did that day. He jumped up and grabbed another beer and a bottle of water from the fridge. He handed Dex the beer.

“So, you’re saying, pounce the next chance I get?”

Dex clapped his hands together. “Now, we’re talking.”

Chapter 16

K alilah stifled a yawn as she stretched in the front seat and smiled. They’d just completed another successful girls’ trip. None of the girls felt like dealing with the airport, so they’d decided to stay local and go on a road trip. They’d also decided that they didn’t want to be in the car for longer than four hours so that automatically scratched New Orleans off their list.

Instead, they’d opted for drunken good times in San Antonio. Once they’d factored in outlet shopping in San Marcos, themed goodness at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, and some posh accommodations on the Riverwalk, they didn’t look any farther. As far as Kalilah was concerned, they had her at ‘margaritas.’ And boy did she margarita!

Kalilah put her hand over her face and giggled a little. Nick may have gotten a few drunk texts. Cayla rolled her eyes from the driver’s seat.

“Keep your panties on. I’m sure your boyfriend is waiting in front of your house by now. I should have dropped you off first.”

Kalilah laughed and swatted at her sister. “First of all, you’re just mad that no one is waiting outside of your house. Second, he’s not my boyfriend.” Kalilah grinned. “Third, who said I was wearing panties.”

Cayla let out her favorite snort. “You better have on panties. I have to turn this vehicle in. They don’t need your secretions all over their seats.”

Kalilah returned the scoff. “They should consider themselves lucky.”

“Whatever, Kalilah. You are wearing panties. I saw your panty lines earlier and even if I didn’t, we both know it’s too damn hot to be commando.” Cayla gave Kalilah a look that suggested that she was the smarter sister. “Plus, the only person interested in your secretions is Nick.”

Kalilah twisted her face at Cayla as they pulled up to her house, and there was no sign of Nick. Kalilah knew he wouldn’t be there because she hadn’t told him she was back.

“See, no Nick waiting.”


; “Please.” Cayla dismissed the statement. “He’s not here now, but I need you to hurry up and get out before that Escalade comes flying around the corner on two wheels. I don’t need any wrecks before turning in this SUV.”

Kalilah’s laughter delayed the collection of her items. She kissed her sister on the cheek.

“I love you, sister.”

Cayla waved her off. “Yeah. Yeah. I love you, too. Now move before white boy comes barreling down the street and knocks my car onto the next street. Tomorrow is his birthday, and he is probably on a mission.” She waggled her eyebrows at Kalilah before she peeled off driving entirely too fast for a neighborhood.

Kalilah shook her head before she opened the door. Who gave her a driver’s license? Honestly, she halfway hoped that Nick would somehow be waiting for her. It would have been borderline creepy because she’d never told him what time she was coming back. OK. It would have been all the way creepy, but a small, irrational part still wanted to see him waiting for her.

They were gone for four days, and she’d missed him. They hadn’t spoken much while she was on the trip and there definitely weren’t any late-night FaceTime sessions. Not that it mattered anyway. She still hadn’t see any part of Nick naked except for his limbs. Anything from his shoulders to above his knee was still a mystery to her. A mystery she would love to explore. Thoroughly.

Cayla and Natalia couldn’t wait to get her alone in the car and try to pull every detail out of her. They ganged up on her and told her enough was enough. In fact, they were so adamant that Kalilah should jump on Nick, that they’d forced her to buy lingerie as Nick’s “birthday gift.”

Kalilah dropped her bags in the foyer and looked around. Everything looked normal, but it was extremely hot in her house. “Oh, no.” she groaned as she went to the thermostat. Ninety degrees! She flipped on the AC, but nothing happened.

“Shit. Shit. Shit!”

She pulled out her iPhone and dialed the only number stored. It rang once before he answered.

“Hey, sweetheart. Please tell me you’re back.”

Kalilah’s stomach fluttered, and her body tingled. His voice always made her feel something, but there was an extra layer of something more potent in his voice this time.