Nick completely melted on the inside. He was right. She was going to kill him. All the composure he was proud of was out of the window. She probably sensed that he was about to bolt because she grabbed his hand, the act never felt more personal, and pulled him farther into the store.

Kalilah stopped in front of a bored looking guy that was either in his late teens or early twenties. He had pitch black hair, guy liner, a few tattoos, and some piercings.

“Frank, you have a customer. Help him with his video selections please.”

Frank acquiesced, Kalilah winked at Nick and walked away. Nick watched, his hand still tingling from her touch. Now she knew how to work stilettos. The gentle sway of her hips accentuated her curves, making his body react. Frank stared at her ass a few moments before letting out a low whistle.

“So, you refused to tell her what you wanted.” It was a statement, not a question. “That can only mean one thing. Right here on the left is the all black porn. On the other side of the shelf is the interracial porn staring black women. Would you like me to point out my favorites?”

Nick gave him a bemused look. Frank patted him on the shoulder.

“I’m not psychic. She has that effect on people. I’ve worked here for years. Some of the regulars never made it this far into the store. Traffic has increased since we put her in the front. Now, everyone wants black girl porn. Hell, I watched it for a full week after she showed up.”

Nick was lost for words, but grateful for Frank. As he talked, he picked out an assortment of DVDs and rung up Nick. Nick was out of the store within five minutes of meeting Frank. He’d sneaked out when Kalilah was out of sight just in case she wanted to see his selections.

Nick liked knowing that he wasn’t the only man that was struck stupid by her beauty. He couldn’t help the flash of jealousy when he heard how the other guys lusted over her. Nick wanted to be her only fan or at least the biggest. They still had to settle their work differences, but if her behavior today was any indication, they were off to a good start. He was unlocking his front door when his cell chimed.

He threw his keys on the counter and took his bag to his room while he fished his cell out his pocket. Nick laughed when he read the display.

Kalilah: “You little sneak! You left when I was busy!”

Nick: “I wasn’t about to bother you at work.”

Kalilah: “Liar! You bother me all of the time when I’m really busy.”

Nick winced then typed in his response.

Nick: “Touché.”

Nick tossed his phone on the bed and undressed. He put his shoes in his closet en route to the bathroom and dropped his shirt and sweats into the hamper. He ran back into the bedroom when his phone started to ring. He hoped it was Kalilah, although she was probably still at work. He couldn’t help but feel nervous when he saw her name on the display. He’d just seen her but talking to her on the phone on a Saturday night while lounging in his underwear seemed more intimate.

“Hello?” He hated that he had to run for the phone. He was slightly breathless and didn’t want to give her the wrong impression.

“Are you busy?” She asked slightly hesitant.

“No. I was in the other room when the phone rang. Had to run to get it.”

“I see….” She didn’t sound convinced.

“Ugh…I’m serious, ya know.”

“Yup.” She agreed. “A little too serious sometimes.” Nick could hear the wind blowing and cars passing in the background.

“Are you outside?”

“Yeah. I’m in front of your house looking in your window.”

Nick’s stomach dropped. He looked around for any signs of her. “Huh? Are you really?”

Kalilah laughed. “Hell no. I don’t know where you live. I’m walking home. My car issues were bigger than I thought.”

Nick frowned. He didn’t like the idea of her dressed the way she was walking home in the middle of the night.

“What! Why didn’t you call me earlier? You could have waited at the store I would have turned back around.”

“Or, I could have asked you if you didn’t sneak out.” She pointed out.

“Granted, but it’s still not safe for you to be walking. I should come get you.”