Kalilah giggled. “Relax. Frank dropped me off at the gate. I’m just walking from the gate to my home.”

Nick was a little relieved but still didn’t like it.

“Why didn’t he take you to your house and wait for you to get inside? It is still a ten-minute walk from the gate to your house.”

“I didn’t want him to. Look at you, acting like you care.” Kalilah teased. “Relax, I’m unlocking my door now. I’m inside now with the door locked. Hold on, okay?”

Nick could hear rustling in the background, and Kalilah’s sigh was a mix or relief and pleasure.

“I’m back. I had to get out of those clothes. It’s nothing like being free. Right?”

Nick’s cock twitched at the idea of her being naked or half naked. He was saddened at the missed opportunity to take her home. The conversation felt heated. But, he still had a bone to pick with her.

“Kalilah. Please don’t do that again. If you ever need a ride please just call me. I don’t mind. I don’t live far from you.”

/> “Yes, Daddy.” She sighed.

Nick didn’t want to let it go. “I’m serious.”

“You’re always serious.”

Nick figured she was in her bathroom because her voice echoed. The running water in the background told him she was preparing to shower. He looked down at his body. Half-mast, she constantly kept him on the edge of horny.

“Mmm! That feels so good.” Her half-moan almost made Nick drop his phone.

“W-What are you doing? Do you need to call me back?” Nick asked hoping she didn’t hear his ragged breathing. That one moan had him completely turned on.

“I’m in the shower. I love the way the warm water feels on my body. I don’t need to call you back my phone is waterproof. Plus, I’m pretty good at doing things with one hand.”

Nick took a deep breath to gain control. Kalilah’s imagery made him throb with desire.

“It would be faster if you used both hands, don’t you think?”

“Well…it would depend on what I was doing; don’t you think?”

Nick bit back a groan. He couldn’t be quite sure if she meant for her statement to have a sexual meaning, but that is exactly how he took it. He was so hard, it was painful. Getting off the phone with her immediately was necessary for his sanity. She didn’t give him time to respond.

“Nick. Call me in fifteen minutes so we can talk, okay? Don’t fall asleep.”

It would be impossible for him to fall asleep. He couldn’t fall asleep even if his life depended on it.

“Okay.” His voice was raspier than he wanted. He tried again. “Okay. I will set a timer.”

The line went dead, and he was both disappointed and relieved. Nick didn’t know how he was going to make it if she only wanted to be friends. For him, the friend zone would be a death sentence. He set his timer and went in the bathroom. He had a matter to take care of before he spoke to her again.

She liked him. Kalilah tried to deny her attraction to him from the beginning. She’d lie to herself continuously. The first lie was that she wanted to know about the eldest Sinclair. Then, she told herself it was because he was a mystery. The last and biggest lie was that she wanted to know what made him tick. The reason she was intrigued was the oldest reason that has existed since the beginning of time. She was attracted to him.

Kalilah knew that it wasn’t the most convenient attraction because he was jaded. She was willing to show him that she wanted to be there for him if he would let her. There is nothing like a mild case of jealousy brought on by a red-haired slut to drag her out of denial. Kalilah fought the urge to pull that girl off Nick when she stole that kiss. She wanted to be the only one kissing Nick.

The warm water slid over her body and relaxed her muscles. She grinned when she remembered how Nick turned three shades redder when he realized that she was behind him. Kalilah knew she was one of the last people he wanted to see at an adult store, especially since she knew he was a virgin.

Kalilah’s mind went to what he would do as he watched the DVDs. Her stomach fluttered when she imagined what it would be like to take Nick’s virginity; to see those serious gray eyes glazed over with desire. How would he look when he came? Her nipples hardened, and she felt herself moisten. How would he sound if he moaned her name?

Kalilah threw her head back and moaned in pleasure when she squeezed her left nipple and rolled it between her thumb and forefinger. Her right hand positioned her detachable showerhead exactly where she needed it. It wasn’t long before her body shook with pleasure, and she was moaning Nick’s name.

Kalilah smiled when she heard her phone ringing. She wrapped herself in a plush robe and headed to her bedroom. She answered on the third ring.

“Hey, Nick.” She heard sheets rustling. He must be in bed trying to get comfortable.