Nick glanced at her. “What’s that?” She looked stern and serious. He figured her question may be too serious for him to answer at that moment.

“Do they make their own tortillas?”

Nick chuckled, “Yes they do.”

They were silent for the rest of the trip. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Both lost in their own thoughts. It took supreme effort on his end to not overthink his plan. He was going to ask her; he just needed to focus on the prize and not back out. They pulled up to the restaurant. Nick was grateful it was still early enough for them to miss the weekend crowd.

Abuela’s Kitchen was a small mom and pop restaurant, but it had the best food at reasonable prices. Not that price mattered to Nick. He was more interested in the intimate atmosphere. The restaurant was in a converted hacienda style house that was decorated in clay colors and warm tones. The soft yellow walls were decorated to provide a distressed look with fake exposed brick. Nick loved how he felt warm and welcomed every time he visited.

They were greeted by a very friendly hostess and were seated immediately. The equally friendly server took the drink orders and disappeared into the kitchen.

“Did you really have to ask them for the biggest frozen mango margarita they could make? You know they may come out with a pitcher,” Nick teased.

He was rewarded with a huge grin from Kalilah. “Bring it on! I don’t need a glass. Just a straw. Unless you want some.”

Nick wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. “I will have a drink. I just haven’t decided.”

“You can taste mine,” Kalilah offered. She pointed at him in warning. “Only a taste though.”

Nick laughed and held up his hands in surrender. “I will not come between you and your alcohol. Trust me.”

They looked over their menus and munched on the fresh made free chips. Kalilah closed her menu and sighed.

“Too many options.”

“How about fajitas for two, then?” Kalilah gave him the thumbs up. “Beef? Chicken? Mixed? They have other types of meat too.”

Kalilah sighed. “K.I.S.S, Nick.”

Nick raised an eyebrow. “Kiss?”

Kalilah smirked. “K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid. K.I.S.S. I’m not calling you stupid. That’s the phrase. Beef fajitas.”

Nick laughed. “Well that’s settled.”

The server came back with Kalilah’s jumbo margarita, and she sipped happily while Nick ordered their dinner.

“I have bad news, Nick. I have to get a new car. My baby is gone.”

She held out her cup for him to taste it. Nick took a tentative sip, trying not to think too hard about his lips touching the same glass Kalilah’s lips just vacated.

“You like it?”

Nick’s eyes lingered on her lips for a moment before answering.

“Yeah, it’s good, but I think I’ll just get a beer. I do have to drive you home and such since you’re carless and all. So, you were really attached to that car?”

“Yup, it was my first and only car. My parents got it for me my senior year of high school. We were together for ten long years.”

Nick chuckled. “You make it sound like you were in a relationship.”

Kalilah gave him her best look of indignation. “We were exclusive. Chuck was there for me when no other guy was. I’m gonna miss my buddy. Now, I gotta go find another car.” She scrunched her nose. Nick thought it was adorable. “I’m allergic to car notes.”

Nick nodded. Their food arrived and they started to eat. “Look on the bright side,” Nick said between bites. “You can afford it. Be like the other VPs and get a luxury car like a Mercedes or BMW.” He was awarded with another pained expression.

“I’m definitely allergic to the maintenance costs for those cars. No way!” She punctuated that statement with another gulp of her margarita. “You don’t drive one of those cars.”

“You wanna be twins?” Nick teased. “I can take you to the Cadillac dealership if you’d like. I’m sure my salesman is still there. You know, those get expensive as well. They can be just as much, if not more. My Escalade is fully loaded. If I would have gotten it brand new, it would have been about one hundred grand.”