Kalilah: Like what?

Nick debated about his response. He used Dex’s advice. A little honesty.

Nick: My secret.

Nick’s heart was pounding hard in his chest. He stared at the three dots on his phone willing them to turn into words. He laughed when she sent him the emoji with the big shocked eyes.

Kalilah: This sounds important. Consider yourself my new HH date, Mr. Sinclair.

Nick was both excited and terrified. There was no turning back. He went his bathroom and gave himself a pep talk in the mirror.

“It’s now or never, Sinclair.”

Chapter 6

N ick drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited for Kalilah to exit the office. He didn’t recall ever being so nervous in his adult life. Maybe dinner was a bad idea. Nick rubbed his stomach to calm it. He doubted he would be able to eat during one of the most difficult conversations of his life.


; Kalilah came out of the office and pulled her shades on to shield her eyes from the abusive sun. Nick sucked in a breath. He felt like he was seeing her for the first time today. He took a leisurely appraisal of her body as she approached.

His gaze started at her brown, calf-high riding boots. They were flat, but she was tall enough to not look short. His eyes then rolled up her thighs to her jean clad hips. It seemed like every pair she owned were skintight. Nick would be perfectly content with buying her all the jeans she wanted.

Kalilah wore a simple hunter green V-neck top; well, it would have been simple on anyone else. On her, the top was almost sinful; her breasts looked that they were begging to be touched. They made eye contact, and she treated him to one of her 1000-watt smiles.

Nick felt the nervous tension take a momentary back seat to his desire for her. He took a few deep breaths before she opened the door. He would blurt everything out if he didn’t get a hold of his emotions.

“So, where are we going?”

She said as a greeting. Nick secretly inhaled her scent. She still smelled good at the end of the day. She pushed her shades on her head and looked at him.

“What are you in the mood for?”

You. “Um…I don’t care. It’s your choice.” It was the truth. There wasn’t much that he didn’t like. Nick did care about the ambiance, though. “As long as we are able to talk.”

Kalilah looked up in the air; her beautiful face was a mask of concentration.

“How private is this conversation? Would it be best to get take out and eat at one of our places?”


Nick said that faster and louder than he expected. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to go through with it if they were completely alone together. Besides, having her in his home would be nerve wrecking. He’d be the equivalent of a teenager on a first date. Sweaty, awkward, and wondering if it’s appropriate to touch her.

“I mean, it’s not necessary to do take out. We can sit and eat.”

Kalilah nodded in understanding. “Well, we were going to do happy hour at Pappasitos, but the music is too loud for a private conversation. Well, any Mexican restaurant will be too loud because of the music. I just want a good drink.”

“Long day, huh?” Nick asked as he pulled into traffic.

Kalilah laid her head back on the head rest and closed her eyes. “Looong week. I fully intend to sleep all day tomorrow. Oooh, or lounge in bed all day.”

Nick smiled. She had no idea how bad he wanted to join her. He could imagine them sharing a lazy weekend together, wrapped up in each other’s arms. He would feed her chocolate, and they would laugh and talk about nonsense.

“Earth to Nick!” He looked at her, surprised that he had zoned out completely. Luckily, she was amused. “Where did you just go?”

“Sorry. I started to think about lying around, too.” Nick decided to leave out the details. He had to see how dinner went. “I know where we’re going. There is a Mexican food place that isn’t noisy. It has some of the best fajitas. I’m positive that you’ll find something good to drink.”

Kalilah rubbed her stomach. “Good, because I’m hungry. I just have one very important question.”