Dominik stares at the window behind me for a few minutes, and all the while, the room remains silent other than the occasional drip from my clothes onto the floor. I glance down at myself and notice my shirt is see-through, showcasing my tattoos and nipple rings which is probably what caught his attention.

Ah. Well, he’s not gay anyway, so it has no relevance.

Not gay?! Jesus fucking Christ, Rhett. Keep your dick in your pants. There is only one thing I need from Dominik, and it’s not a tight hole to fuck. It’s to destroy him.

Stick with the plan, you dumb motherfucker.

“So, I’m not going to jail?” Dominik finally speaks.


“And why are you doing me this favor?”

“I’m not doing shit for you. It makes my life easier.”

“Then why even bring me in at all?” Dominik asks, this time bringing his gaze back to me. His eyes are bloodshot, and his lids are drooping, as if he’s having a hard time staying awake, but he seems alert and aware of his surroundings.

He asked a good question—one I don’t exactly have an answer for.

“Because I was going to but decided against it.”

“Whatever, man. How do you even know who I am?” He breathes out and leans back in the chair. His right sleeve is pushed up to his elbow, and I can see red streaks marring the inner part of his arm like he was scratching himself. When he catches me looking, he quickly yanks the fabric down and shoots up in his chair.

He crosses over to the window and stares at himself in the reflection. All the while, I watch him with slight interest.

Actually speaking to him, exchanging words with him, is such a foreign concept to me. Almost every time I have seen him, it has been at a distance—and no words have ever been spoken between the two of us.

His voice is deeper than I thought it would be, sounding like he just woke up. But it might be because he did just wake up.

“I’m just confused. You seem to know who I am. And you look kinda fucking familiar.”

“That’s because I do. And I would hope so.” I don’t elaborate. Dominik whirls around and pins me with a glare.

“Okayyy… Let’s just say I’m still out of my mind. Can you explain what’s going on right now?”

“My name is Rhett Boyd. We’ve crossed paths a couple of times in the past and a few more times recently.”

“Boyd… Why does that sound so familiar?” Dominik’s brows tug together, deep in thought as he mumbles to himself. I smirk and stand, my jeans sticking to my ass as I turn to the door.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out sooner or later. Come get your shit so I can go home.” With that, I exit the room, and Dominik follows close behind. I keep my steps even paced as I walk to my desk. I can feel his eyes drilling into my back, but I don’t say a word. He needs to hurry up and get the fuck out of here before I grab that bottle of pills and shove them all down his throat.

I would love to watch him choke on his own vomit, to watch the color drain from his face as his body slowly dies off, piece by piece, all the while he’s paralyzed inside his own dark cloud of a mind…

When I reach my desk, I hand him his phone, wallet, keys, and cigarettes. He glances down at the shit in his hands before looking back at me. He raises a brow and asks, “What about my pills?”

“Are you actually stupid enough to think I would give those back to you?”

His lip curls, and his eyes narrow. I match his stance and grind my teeth together. I can feel the shake in my hands from my adrenaline seeping into my veins. If he doesn’t fucking leave soon…

“Later,” he grunts, and leaves without a backwards glance. His feet shuffle along the carpet like they’re too heavy for him to lift completely. His sweatpants drag on the ground as well, adding to the wear and tear of them. When he disappears at the end of the hall, I follow his metaphorical footsteps, and when the windows come into view, I stop and watch him, telling myself I need to know everything I can about him.

To destroy your enemy, you have to know said enemy.

Dominik flips open the top of his pack of smokes and pulls one out with his teeth. He then proceeds to pull out the green lighter that was inside the pack. The red cherry glows brighter in the dim light. The sun is rising, only a sliver of it visible, but still enough to illuminate Dominik.

He sucks in drag after drag before dropping it to the ground and snuffing it out with his white Nike high top. Then he looks out into the early morning before his shoulders drop. I have no excuse for what happens next, other than I have to do what needs to be done to bring him down—even if that means getting pretty fucking close.

I run back into the precinct and grab my shit—and Dominik’s pills I kept—before practically flying down the hall. The door to the building locks behind me with a light buzz. My boots stomp across the pavement with wet slaps until I reach my bike. The seat, and well, the rest of it is soaked from the rain, but to hell with it.