The light above flickers, but I barely register it because my gaze is locked on him like I’m in a trance. I peer at him in desperation, my eyes locking on his leaking head, knowing he’s so damn close to finishing. I want to be the one to swallow every last drop of him, but instead, it’s going to go to waste all over himself.

His movements become faster, more sporadic, and I find myself mimicking the same movements. With two last pulls, Dominik groans, and I’m rapt as he spills across his hand and stomach, his cum spurting from his cock aggressively. And I’m right there with him. I throw my hand up against the window as my release hits me with unexpected force. Hot waves flood through me as I jerk myself through it, a loud, shuddered groan leaving my lips without my consent. I instantly freeze—the euphoria I just experienced now eradicated with the fear of him seeing me.I know the glass is one way, and there is no possible way he can see me, but when you’re staring someone in the eyes, the thought they can’t see you doesn’t exactly cross your mind.

“Hello? Is someone there?” Dominik asks in a hesitant but demanding voice. His words slur a bit, but I heard him loud and clear. I quickly yank my hand from my now cum-soaked jeans and rush from the small room without a sound. As I dart past the interrogation room, I duck so I’m not visible through the small window where he could see me.

My heart is pounding in my chest, and I feel breathless, but I don’t stop. Not until I know I’m away from him—away from his pull over me. When I’m finally down the hall, several dozen feet away from him, I can finally breathe again. Which means I can think straight.

Dominik Reed keeps fucking tempting me, and he’s about to see just how much I don’t fucking like it.

Even if my cock disagrees with me.

I grind my teeth in a desperate attempt to rein in my anger. My hands shake as I yank open the door that lets me out into the cool, wet air. I pull out a cigarette and bite it between my teeth as I light it. The harsh smoke fills my lungs, and I feel myself start to relax. With every drag, clarity creeps in a little more, and when the cigarette is gone, I feel like myself again—not whoever the fuck that was back there.

Leaning back against the brick wall, I glance down at the wet cement. My hair falls in front of my eyes, and the wet ends drip water onto my boots. My clothes are damp, clinging to my skin, and I know the ride home is going to be even worse.

Taking one last look out into the darkness, I make my way back inside, feeling confident with my state of mind. All thoughts of what happened a bit ago are banished from my head. I refuse to let Dominik in my head more than he needs to be. I just never expected the way my body would react to him—but that’s an easy solution. I’ll just keep myself sexually satisfied to the max.

I walk past my desk, heading straight for the interrogation room—effectively ignoring the cum drying in my pants. I’m running out of time, and I need to get this done before everyone starts showing up. There can’t be any record of this—which is why I’m relieved the cameras in the room have to be turned on manually, not that anyone’s going to be looking.

I shove my key in the lock and shove the door open. Dominik flies up from where he was sitting at the end of the cot and struts up to me. He gets in my face until we’re chest to chest, his hot breath fanning across the lower half of my face. We’re nearly the same height, only about an inch or two difference, and his close proximity has me biting down on my molars, resisting the urge to get him the fuck away from me.

This close up, I can see just how bright his eyes are. They’re green—a dark green—but in the flickering light above, they have endless depth to them. Those green eyes narrow into slits eerily similar to a snake as he takes me in as well, and I steel my gaze. I don’t give a fuck if he sees the anger in my eyes. Hell, I think I even want him too… but no. No, I need to get him to want to talk.

I need to get close.

The closer I get, the easier it is to strike. ‘Cause then, he won’t see it coming.

It’s for Pops, I remind myself. I can do this—for what he deserves. With that, I take a deep breath and take a step away, relaxing my fists at my side. The urge to punch this little punk in the mouth is more than overwhelming, but…

“Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck am I doing here?” He doesn’t show a single sign of embarrassment from what I know he did. My eyes drop to his torso which I know is covered in dry cum…

I clear my throat subtly. “Name’s Rhett. Have a seat.”

“No, thanks. I think I’ll stay here.” Dominik crosses his arms over his chest, and my eyes automatically drop to the bulges in his biceps before I rip my gaze away to the table. I pull out a shitty metal chair and plop into it. The legs scrape across the floor as I readjust before I glare up at him.

“Suit yourself, though you look like you could keel over any second. So, if I were you, I’d preserve your energy.”

“You don’t know shit about me, Rhett,” he snarls, but pulls a chair toward him and takes a seat, a good three feet from the table. I stare at him deadpan until he sighs and scoots closer. He rests his elbows on the metal tabletop and sighs dramatically again. He rubs his fingers in circles over his temples before lifting his head.

It seems a chore to do that, so I simply sit back and watch him struggle to… live. I feel a smirk pulling at the corner of my lips, which has him glaring at me in return.

“What the fuck am I doing here?”

“Do you remember anything from last night?” I counteract. He squints his eyes for a moment before closing them, I presume to try and recall anything from the previous night. A few minutes later, he drags his lids open again.

“I remember being at the party with Jay and—” he cuts himself off for a second before continuing. “And shit. Then… I think the cops showed up? Past that, I have no fucking clue.” Just then, I catch the faintest blush blooming across his cheeks as he looks at the large, mirrored window behind me.

Ahh. So, he’s aware of that. I wonder if he remembers hearing me.


“Anything else, Mr. Reed?”

“What?” he clears his throat. “No. That’s all. Again, what the hell am I doing here?”

“Let me fill you in. Me and my partner, Jamie, showed up at that fraternity house for multiple noise complaints. After we arrived, your friend, Mr. Duval, started arguing with my partner. Then you appeared, swaying and acting intoxicated. I then found a baggie with pills, so I decided to book you.

“But then, I decided against it because that is paperwork I didn’t want to fill out. So, I settled on letting you sober up here and release you once you were conscious.” I cross my arms across my chest, feeling my damp shirt stretch across my torso. Dominik’s eyes drop to my chest before quickly adverting. I push my still dripping hair back from my face before resuming my stance.