“Fuck You”—Yo Gotti, Meek Mill

I securehis hands behind his back and secure the cuffs around his wrists. He’s pliant now, and when I allow myself a quick glance at his face, I instantly regret it. His pupils are pin-pointed, his green irises appearing larger than normal. But it’s the way his jaw is slack and hanging open, drool dripping from his lips and pooling on the sidewalk I have him pinned to that gives me a jolt of sick satisfaction.

He looks utterly fucking demolished. It’s not hard to tell he’s high out of his mind, on what, I’m not sure, but something good from the looks of it.

I drag my eyes away from his plump, pale lips to the two people staring down at me. I stand and haul Dominik Reed to his feet by my grip on the cuffs. He doesn’t make a sound as I jerk him around—probably too high to even know where he’s at.

“What the fuck are you doing?” the dude who came up to us when we pulled up shouts at me as I pull Dominik to the cruiser.

Jamie sighs behind me, probably exasperated with my shit, but she deals with the punk regardless. “Mr. Duval, please calm down. We’re taking…” Jamie’s eyes dart to mine in question, and I fill in the blanks.

“Mr. Reed.”

“We’re taking Mr. Reed in for—”

“Possession.” I hold up the baggie I just found in the front pocket of his sweatpants and swing it back and forth in front of me. Whoever the fuck Mr. Duval is visibly pales, and I watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. I narrow my eyes at him and observe as he takes a step back.

“Shut the party down, Mr. Duval. And from the looks of it, it won’t take you long. Have a good night.” With that, Jamie spins on her heels and makes her way to the car. She tosses a glare over her shoulder at me as she jumps in the passenger seat. I finish shoving Dominik in the back and force myself to buckle the seatbelt around him. I lean over him to latch it, and my left arm brushes over his chest. I hear a very audible intake of breath, and I stiffen. My arm is pressed against him, and with that pressure, I can feel his rapid breaths. I shove the buckle so it locks in place and practically launch myself from the car.

With the door a barrier between us, I cast a final glance at him, only to find him staring at me—or at least I think he is, but his eyelids are almost completely shut so he could just be staring at, well, anything in my general vicinity.

I take this moment to analyze him. He looks almost exactly how he did the last time I saw him when he was fucking that whiny bitch. Then, he stared right through me as if I wasn’t there. This time, he looks more out of his mind.


How do you kill someone without actually killing them?

You give them what they need to do it themselves.

And Dominik fucking Reed just made my job one thousand times easier. He’s a fucking addict. No one will look twice at an overdose. I even bet it’s happened before…

I feel the corner of my lips twitch as idea after idea comes and hits me one after the other like a brick. This could not have been made any easier for me.

Dominik Reed is about to meet his downfall. All I have to do is get close enough to get the job done and then leave like I was never there to begin with.

My fingers twist around the zippo lighter in my pocket. I trace the sharp edge of the lid, from the hinges and back again.

I bet Dominik always knew he would be the cause of his own destruction, but little does he know, ever since his father murdered mine, it was inevitable.

I would be the one to destroy Dominik Reed.