Jay’s voice raises a few octaves, and I lift a brow, finally bringing my eyes to the situation at hand. His arms are raised by his head as he gestures to the house at his six.

“What the fuck do you mean shut it down? Everyone here is of age, and it’s fucking spring break.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but we’ve had numerous noise complaints tonight, and we simply can’t ignore them any longer. We’re not trying—”

“I don’t give a fuck what you’re trying to do. What you are doing is ruining a great fucking party all because y’all have your own dicks shoved up your fucking asses.”


A burning cold gaze sears into the side of my face, and I bite the end of the filter, feeling the ebb and flow of my newfound annoyance. Jay’s anger has my own tipping the scales, and I snap my head to the left, only to find a man staring at me.

His eyes are a deep blue, and if looks could kill…

I narrow my gaze as my vision begins to blur at the edges. I blink a few times, trying to clear the hazy fog that has come over me, but when I lift my eyelids, the sensation has spiderwebbed through my body. I feel as if I just stepped into a cloud. The voices that were so loud moments ago are nothing but a faded background noise. The anger at a certain pair of eyes drilling holes into me has morphed into euphoria.

I’m high as a fuckin’ kite.

“Sir, are you all right?”

My body sways as I float through the cloud, like wisps of feathers trailing over my skin, leaving a warm, tingly path in their wake. My cheeks ache when I pry my jaw open, only to release a low chuckle that vibrates through my chest.

“He’s fucking high,” a deep, biting voice barks out. Without warning, there are hands on me. So many hands. Cold, hot. Hard, soft. Rough, gentle.

Nausea swirls in the pit of my stomach when someone’s skin brushes against my own. I jerk away, only to fall to the ground in a heap of useless skin and bones. I push against the cold, hard cement, but it’s in vain. More skin. More Hands. More… everything.

I squeeze my eyes shut and suck in a breath. I feel the cold rush of oxygen go straight to my brain, and I let myself relax.

I’m still alive.

Though, I’m not sure if that’s better than the alternative.