Page 70 of Concede

Chapter 39


It’s four in the morning when my phone rings. It’s Romeo.

“Prez, Terrance is meeting for a fix in an hour.”

“Who picks up drugs at five fucking AM?” I growl.

“I guess those who don’t sleep because they are tweaking,” Romeo jokes.

“Alright. Call Dom. I want to see for myself who’s dealing in my territory.”

“Got it.”

Romeo hangs up and I toss the phone on my nightstand. I glance over to Tanner. She is stirring a little, but not fully awake. The sheet has fallen down to her waist and her bare back is on display for me. I run my fingertips along her soft skin and my boxers start to rise. I better get up before this gets worse. I force myself up and hop in for a quick shower.

I finished getting dressed and crawled across the bed to tell Tanner I’m leaving.

“Vix,” I whisper and gently tug on her earlobe with my teeth.

“Mmm,” she hums and wiggles beneath the sheets.

She turns towards me and smiles a sleepy smile.

“I gotta go but I'll be back for breakfast,” I tell her as I brush the hair from her face.

She grabs me by my shirt and pulls me into her for a kiss. She opens her mouth, deepening it when her tongue slides over mine. Fucking Viper. I would much rather be in this bed with her, but duty calls.

“I gotta go,” I murmured against her.

“Fine,” she huffs.

“I love you.” I press one more kiss to her mouth and push off the bed.

“I love you too.” She calls out before rolling over and falling back asleep.

We are crouched behind a row of trees out behind the Motel 6 at the edge of Paradise. This motel is sketchy as fuck, and I really need a cigarette. Terrance is standing in the parking lot, not looking any more appealing than the rent by the hour room sign buzzing above him.

“You told him to act normal right?” I ask Romeo. “Just buying his shit like any other time.”

“It’s Terrance, that motherfucker ain’t normal Prez,” he says as he adjusts his binoculars.

I hear a crunch and swivel my head to Dom who’s ingesting a gas station burrito.

I raise a brow.

“What? I’m starving,” he mumbles as he stuffs the rest in his mouth.

I shake my head and turn my attention back to Terrence who keeps fidgeting and glancing over at us. He’s gonna give us away if he keeps looking over here.

In the distance we hear the beat of rap music pumping through car speakers. Seconds later a beat up Lincoln Navigator pulls into the parking lot. Romeo raises up the binoculars trying to get a look at the driver.

“Get those plates Dom,” I say as I take the binoculars from Romeo.

He pulls out his phone and types them in as we try to peer through the branches.

Terrance keeps shuffling his feet and his head keeps bobbing around. The guy has the window rolled down, but it’s still too dark to see his face.