“Good. Maybe you’ll stop coming here for me.”

“Who said I came here for you?”

“You did.”

Oh, shit. He was right. Ugh. See? He had me all flummoxed, like I didn’t know which way was right, which way was left. What was up? What was down? I had no fucking clue at this point. That’s how much this guy affected me, which was just silly since I didn’t know who the hell he was.

Maybe it was because I’d just kissed Zander. Maybe you could blame it on the adrenaline and the anger and resentment coursing through my veins, but I did something then the old me never would have done: I grabbed the collar of his shirt, forced his tall frame down, and I kissed him.

Yeah, this time the kiss was on me.

Kissing the dragon man was not at all like it had been kissing Zander. Zander was sweet and urgent, warm and welcoming. This? This particular kiss was hard and rough, eager and desperate. Not the easy kind of kiss that seemed to stretch on into infinity. No, this kiss was over so fast, and yet the power and intensity of it still took my breath away.

As it turned out, I wasn’t the only one breathing hard after that kiss. His green eyes were narrowed in a glare, his lips parted. My hand still rested on his collar, so his top half was still very much bent over me. And yet he didn’t move an inch, even though he easily could’ve gotten out of my grip. “You don’t take no for an answer, do you?”

“I’m taking what I want,” I said. “And right now, I want you.” I let go of his collar, grabbing his hand next. I pulled him away from the stage, through the main room of the club. We stopped by the group with the toys, and I picked something up, saying, “I’m going to borrow this.” I got some incoherent responses from the people on the bed nearby, and then I continued to drag the dragon man into the hall.

He chuckled, and the sound was as manly as a sound could be. “Tell me those are for you.”

I found us an unoccupied room, pushing him inside first and then closing the door. The toy in question? A pair of fuzzy handcuffs. And, no, they weren’t for me.

“You know,” I started, stepping toward him. He’d turned to face me, standing halfway between me and the bed. “For someone who supposedly doesn’t want this, you’re not saying no.” Once I reached him, I tossed the handcuffs on the bed. He’d have to be naked before I put them on.

“I have the feeling if I kept denying you, you’d only be more persistent.”

“You’re right, but maybe it’s also because you’re not as strong as you think you are.” I ran my hands down his chest, feeling him breathe beneath my touch. “Maybe you’re just weak, dragon man.”

“Dragon man?”

“That’s what I’m calling you, since I don’t know your name.”

He chose not to respond to that, instead responding to what I’d said before: “I am not a weak man.” The way he spoke it, almost threateningly, made it sound like a challenge. As if he was wordlessly challenging me to prove to him that I was stronger.

“I’m no weak girl, either. Maybe you think less of me because of my age, and that’s fine.” I grabbed his shirt, snaking my fingers between the buttons. With one swift yank of my arms, I broke apart his shirt, causing the buttons to go flying off, landing on the floor nearby. “But I’m not weak,” I hissed out, pushing him all the way back to the bed.

“My shirt—” Dragon man couldn’t say anything else, because in the next moment I had him sitting on the edge of the bed. I straddled him, grabbed him by the neck and brought his lips to mine once more. This time, we were both better prepared for the kiss.

Kissing… it wasn’t so bad, but maybe that was just because the adrenaline and anger inside me had burned out the repulsive itch I always seemed to get when I was touching someone else. Or perhaps I was on my way to truly getting over what happened that night three years ago.

No. That night was not one I would ever forget.

He stopped complaining about his torn shirt, working to get it off his shoulders as I kissed him. I offered him no help, and the moment it was off, his hands were on me, gripping my sides, fingers digging into the dress and the skin underneath. Those hands dropped to my thighs, bunching up the fabric of my dress, feeling for something he wouldn’t find.

Dragon man pulled his mouth off mine, panting out, “You’re not—”

I shook my head. “No, and I’ve been on birth control for years.” His hand curved around my backside, cupping a cheek of my ass. No underwear tonight. I came ready to rock and roll. I knew what I wanted, and by God, I was going to get it.

Before giving him a chance to respond to that last bit, I brought my mouth to his again. Our bodies moved on their own. My hips began to gyrate, my lower half feeling a bulge hardening in his pants. With one hand on my ass, his other went to my neck, rough and smooth at the same time. The most bizarre sensation.

And then his tongue pushed into my mouth, and I was in a whole new world. Every muscle in my body felt like it was on fire, my tongue tingled where his touched, and I suddenly understood why people chased the high of sex so much. It could feel so fucking good it was unreal.

But, as much as I could lose myself in his embrace, in his kiss, in the feeling of his tongue dancing with mine, it wasn’t what I came here for, so, even though it was difficult, I pulled myself off him. Tonight, it was me taking charge, me saying, “Take off your pants. Now.”

He threw me off him, masterfully slipping off his belt and everything below the waist. The moment he was naked, his cock sprang free, just as thick and long as I remembered. I did not stare at it with disgust in my heart; no, tonight, I only looked at that cock with the knowledge of what it could do to me, how it could make me feel.

I needed it.

I slipped off the bed, pointing to it, wanting him to lay down first. Tonight would not be like the first time we were together. Tonight, I wanted something different.