For once, I wanted the power. I didn’t want to surrender it to someone else; I wanted to claim it as my own—and I would. Dragon man was all too willing to crawl onto the bed and flip onto his back, letting his cock stand tall.

The next bit happened fast, mostly because I knew he probably didn’t want to play this game, but I didn’t care. Fuzzy handcuffs in my hands, I grabbed one of his wrists, his right one, since he was right-handed, and hoisted it over his head, locking it into the handcuffs and then fastening the other one to the bedpost.

He let out a groan. “Really? Handcuffs? I knew it was too much to hope they were for you.” He almost sounded miffed, but that only amused me.

I leaned over him, giving him an innocent smile—something I was particularly good at. “Of course not. Princesses don’t let men tie them up.” I worked on getting my boots off, and then I slipped off my gloves, tossing them aside.

He tested the strength of the handcuff holding his right arm up, and all he ended up doing was shaking the entire bed. The pink fuzzy handcuffs held strong, even against him. “Fuck me,” he whispered, shaking his head once.

“Oh, I plan to,” I said, hopping on top of him. I left my dress on, but with my gloves off, I was able to touch his chest, his abdomen, feeling his muscular frame shuddering with heavy breaths beneath me. He might claim I had no hold over him, and in the real world, that might be true, but here? I’d say I held a little bit of power over him.

My fingers traced the black dragon tattoo curled on his pectoral muscles. His skin was on fire, much like mine, and with the way his cock twitched, I could tell he was more than eager to be inside of me again. I knew the feeling. Well, not of wanting to be inside of me, but of wanting him to be in me.

With my dress bunched up way past my thighs, my lower half was on display. His head bent up so he could see, so he could watch as I grabbed his cock and positioned myself over it. A low grunt of a sound came from him when my fingers first wrapped around its base, but that sound was put to shame the moment I lowered myself onto him. He groaned so loudly I swore I felt it in my core.

Or maybe that was his cock I felt in my core, since he was now as deep into me as he could be.

Holy fuck. I’d forgotten what it was like. I let out a shaky breath, not moving for the first few seconds, simply basking in the feeling of his thick cock buried inside of me. Fighting my natural instinct to run and never feel another’s skin on mine was the last thing on my mind. I heard him fight the handcuffs, and I met his annoyed stare. I could tell he wanted to fuck me. Fuck me hard, wild, and long. He wasn’t a big fan of being restrained during the act, but too damned bad.

Tonight was mine.

He could still move his other hand though, and it was that hand that found the nearest leg. He held onto me with a fierceness that would probably bruise, but since it was so far up my thigh, I didn’t care. Let him bruise me. Let me wear those bruises for days after this. Maybe they’d serve as a reminder of what I’d done here tonight.

And what was this? It was me, coming to terms with the fact that I wanted control for once. I wanted to make my own fucking decisions, and damn, did it feel good.

“If you don’t start moving,” he warned, “I’m going to break this fucking bed and do it myself.” Inside me, I could feel his dick twitching with need, and it was a need I felt, too. A low ache in my body that would only be soothed by one thing.

I moved my hips, rocking along his length. It was a bit awkward, at first, but once I found the right way to move and the rhythm that felt the best, I went at it. I went at it, at him, hard. My body could take it. The rocking, the pumping of his cock in and out of my pussy. This was what I’d come here for, and with him underneath me, I was finally the one on top.

I liked it.

Becoming a slave to passion, to the fire and heat rising inside of me, I chased the high I knew my body was capable of. Well aware that he watched me all the while, I didn’t care. Tonight was about me. My pleasure. If he got his, well, good for him, but that wasn’t what I was after.

The control. The power. The right to take what I wanted. Yes, give me all of it.

Dragon man didn’t seem to mind my age one bit right now. Every few seconds, his wide chest let out a thunderous groan, his hips bucking beneath me. He wasn’t complaining, and I knew that was because he was getting the ride of his life. It certainly was the ride of mine, since I’d never done anything like this before. Still, I think I was doing a pretty damn good job, considering how he looked like he wanted to erupt already.

The feeling of an impending release grew deep inside me. My movements became harder, more erratic. More like jerks of my hips rather than smooth motions. My heart beat so fast in my chest I thought it might just pop out, and I struggled to keep going when all my body wanted to do was stop.

Didn’t know why it wanted me to stop; it wasn’t like I’d orgasmed yet.

Pushing myself past the limit, past the edge, was harder than I thought it would be. It was so much easier when someone else had the reins, when they did all of the work themselves and I could just lay there and take it. But, that said, I was still able to do it.

Pleasure exploded within me, my core muscles tensing around his cock. My rocking on his length stopped as the heat and bliss overtook me in a wave I could not deny, and I let out a stifled cry as it swept over me and threatened to drown me, bury me whole.

“Don’t you fucking stop,” dragon man whispered, holding onto my thigh hard as he kept rocking beneath me, taking charge as much as he could while handcuffed to the bed. He fucked me from below while I was lost in a delirium of high erotic bliss, and it wasn’t too long before he had his own release.

His head fell back on the pillows, his eyelids slamming shut. A groan that put all others to shame came from his throat, his cock emptying itself inside of me, spewing its seed in my core. The hand holding onto my thigh gripped me harder, and then, when his orgasm faded, it loosened its grip and slid off me.

I stayed on top of him for a few moments, waiting for something to happen. For me to miraculously feel better about today’s events. Everything Ezekiel had told me. The thing with Shay. Seeing Piper on top of Zander. Kissing Zander. Hearing my father say he wanted Zander to go after Piper.

But… that feeling never came. I didn’t feel better. Not mentally. My body felt tired and worn out. Good, don’t get me wrong, it also felt good thanks to that orgasm, but everything that bothered me before still bothered me now.

I thought sex was supposed to get your mind off things? I thought people used it as a distraction? Was I doing it wrong?


I brought a hand to my face, feeling the mask on my forehead. I had the sudden need to take it off, but I couldn’t do that here. I needed air. I needed… at this point, I wasn’t sure what I needed. Everything I always thought was wrong. This was no different.