Not daring to breathe, I managed to slip out behind the curtain just when he opened the door.

Whew, Jesus, Lord have mercy.

Eyeing the wall between our balconies, I realized it was taller than I thought.


Hearing Josh moving around inside his place and realizing his dog could come out any second, I needed to act quickly. My hands on the concrete, I attempted to heft my body up. Damn it, I really needed to work on my upper body strength.

Josh dropped something and swore. I needed to get to my side. Now.

Trying once again, I put all my energy, all my muscles into it, launching myself over and crashing down on my side, making a loud noise that would wake the dead as I toppled over a few of my wilted plants, breaking one terra cotta holder.

I bolted upright as I heard Josh step onto his balcony. "What the heck was that?" he asked, his eyes glancing all around at the mess I'd made. "Are you okay?"

What had I been thinking? My heart couldn't take this craziness. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled, clapping my hands together to remove the potting soil.

Josh's eyes narrowed. "What happened?"

I loosened my ponytail, a sudden headache coming on. "Oh, you know, just a little watering mishap."

His eyes swept around my balcony, taking in all the poor plants I'd murdered in the few weeks I'd been here. "Uh, I don't think any amount of water is going to bring these guys back."

I couldn't help the smirk on my face. "Ya never know."

Reaching for the sliding glass balcony door, I placed my fingers on the handle like I was ready to go inside. With a sinking heart, I realized this door was locked. Oh, God, I'd have to somehow scale the other side of my balcony and go in the front door once Josh went inside. What a way to start my day. But it was all my own stupid fault.

I noticed Josh's eyes on my chest. Great. "You a Dodgers fan?" he asked, surprising me.

Oh, so he hadn't been checking out my boobs, just my shirt. "I am," I answered.

"You watching the game today?"

"Of course."

His eyebrows shot up. "Really? Even though they're having the crappiest season ever?"

"I watch every single game," I said, trying to contain my emotions.

His whole body showed his surprise as he whistled. "Wow, you must be a really dedicated fan then to suffer like that."

I shrugged. How could I explain the deep meaning the Dodgers held for me? It was the one tie I had left to my dad, and I'd never let that go.

"Well, hey," he said, reaching down to scratch his dog's head. "I'll be watching too if you want to come over later."

Hmmph, that was interesting, and I didn't know what to make of it. "You know I'm engaged, right?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know. I'm not hitting on you. Just figured we might as well suffer together," he added, smiling.

Oh, wow, that smile was something else. Not that I really noticed. Of course, I didn't notice, but I could totally see why Josh was such a chick magnet. "Um, sure. Why not?" I answered, shrugging again.

He snorted. "I mean, you don't have to or anything."

I bit back a giggle as I realized my lack of enthusiasm had probably been a hit to studly Josh's pride. "Nah, that sounds like fun," I said. "Should I bring some food or something?"

"Nope. I have certain food I have to eat every game."

Now, I didn't hold back my laughter. "What's that even mean?"