Slightly Stoopid

God, I loved Saturday mornings. Sleeping in was the best invention ever. When the light started to creep in through the curtains' edges, that's when I truly started to sleep well.

Hours later, eating cereal on the couch and checking my phone, I heard Josh's door close. He wasn't quiet about anything. He didn't turn the knob, just slammed it shut. And the dude didn't even lock it I was sure.

How could you not lock your door when you left your place? I mean, we lived in LA, not the country. Yes, our building was secure with locked gates, but still. Anyone could get in here if they really wanted to do so.

A sudden idea flashed in my mind, and I ran to the window to see if he'd taken his dog with him.

Yes! There they were, rushing down the stairs. And I knew they'd be gone for at least fifteen minutes—plenty of time for me to sneak into Josh's apartment and scope out the headboard situation.

Last night, I'd taken the time to research and found something called headboard stoppers that might work. But first, I needed to see what I was dealing with, and someday, when I knew Josh would be out for a good long while, I could be prepared and get the job done. Then I would never again have to deal with headboard banging.

Not giving myself time to think about the wisdom of my plan, I put my hair back in a quick ponytail and slid on my flip-flops by the front door before opening it quietly. For once, I didn't lock it.

As I crept down my stairs, I kept my eye out for any other neighbors, but no one was around. I walked over to Josh's set of stairs and quickly climbed up the twenty steps. Yep, I counted them almost every time I went upstairs. Just a strange habit I had whenever I went up and down stairs.

Glancing around once more, I hesitated on his landing, reaching out for the doorknob. No. Don't stop now. This was definitely an idiotic move, but like some dumb girl in a book or movie, I kept moving forward, not letting myself think about the consequences.

Josh would be gone for at least another ten minutes. And look how sneaky and stealth I was being.I could do this.

Slowly, I turned the doorknob and pushed forward. Unlocked. Of course.

I gasped as I took in my first glimpse of his place. Not sure what I expected, but it wasn't this. Josh's apartment was spotless. Like immaculate. Everything clearly in its place.

So incredibly strange. I would have thought Josh was a slob.

Shaking my head, I stopped myself from gawking. I had work to do. Heading through the living room, knowing his place was the mirror opposite of my own, I knew exactly where I'd find the bedroom. Down the short hallway, past the bathroom, and there it was.

His bed was neatly made up. Again, totally unexpected. Had I even made my bed this morning?

Stop it, Jess. No time to think.

Okay. Headboard. Just a tall wooden standard-looking thing. No padding. No decor. No wonder it was so loud against the wall.

Putting my hand on it, I realized it was actually quite beautiful. The wood was maybe reclaimed from an old door or something and stained dark. Very cool, very Josh.

But I needed to look at the back of it. So using all my strength, I pushed his bed a bit away from the wall. Hmm, it seemed like the headboard stoppers might actually work.

That was all I needed to know, so I pushed the bed back and started to head out.

All the sudden, I heard Josh's loud footsteps bounding up his stairs.

Shit, shit, shit.

I was such a complete and utter idiot. Heart pounding out of my chest, I stood there frozen, wondering what on earth to do. My eyes took in my surroundings as I searched for a place to hide.

The curtains to the balcony fluttered, giving me an idea. I could sneak onto his balcony just when he opened his door, then launch myself over the concrete divider to my own balcony. That would totally work!

I just had to time it perfectly because our balconies were in the front right next to our doors. Rushing to the curtain, I held my breath, listening to his footsteps, adrenaline infusing every cell of my body as I waited for the exact right moment. It had to be down to the millisecond.

He was close. So close.

His foot stepped onto the landing. I imagined him reaching for the door, and I heard his hand touch the knob.

This was it.

Oh, God, I was going to die.