Page 99 of Firsts

He disconnects, and I tuck the phone into my back pocket. “What the hell, Reid.”

“What did he say to you?”

I ruffle my curls. “He wants me to return in time, so we’ll drive to Penn State together. He was about to say something else, but you—”

“You’re going to the same college?” He shifts in place, seething. “Did you plan on it together?”

I splay my hands as I answer, “No, we applied to different colleges. I chose Penn State on my own.”

“Right. Then he picks it because of you. He’s following you there.”

“Geez. You make it seem like there’s something between Logan and me when there isn’t. We’re best friends.”

“Best friends?” He sputters a sarcastic laugh. “He’s just biding his time. I bet he’ll make a move in college.”

“No, he won’t,” I grit.

Reid shakes his head. “You’re not going to Penn State. You’re coming to Yale with me. Mom could get you in this Fall.”

I scoff. “No, Reid. I decided on Penn. Regardless, you can’t demand that.”

“You’ll do it if you truly want to be with me.”

A gasp slips past my lips. “I can’t believe you said that. Take me home.” I turn from him.

He grasps my hand to stop me. “Wait, Cassie—”

“No. Take me back.” I writhe away and march up the beach, not slowing until I reach the car. I hop in and fold my arms.

Reid slides in behind the wheel, slamming the door. “Look, I think you’re playing blind. I haven’t met the guy, and I can tell he wants you.”

I suck my teeth. “That’s your jealousy. I’m not ending my friendship with Logan. I love you, Reid, but that’s not fair.”

He starts the car but delays leaving. “I’m not telling you to do that.”

“No, you just want me to give up my plans for you.”


“Can we just go?” I snap, annoyed.

Reid huffs and pulls out of the parking spot. Silence remains the language in the car until we arrive at the house.

He grips my arm as I’m marching through the kitchen. “Can we talk about it? I don’t want you to be mad at me.”

“Reid, you can’t demand that I go to your college. That’s not how it works.”

He twists his mouth. “But is it a bad thing? I mean, we want to—”

“We need to talk.” Aunt Helena’s stern voice snaps our heads to the doorway. Her tight gaze is leveled on Reid, arms folded tightly. “Cassie, could you please give us some privacy.”

“Oh, sure.” I walk out of the kitchen, glancing back once before taking the stairs. Though it doesn’t appear to be about our relationship, there’s no mistake that Aunt Helena is livid.