Page 98 of Firsts


Our incredible first time kickstarts another phase of pleasure, and the next few weeks involve mostly sneaking to the lake house to entangle our bodies.

The summer is moving fast, and I’m at a point where my heart feels so consumed with Reid that I don’t know how I’ll be able to leave.

Though Aunt Helena and Genevieve are still oblivious to our relationship, we no longer care about who else sees, which is why I’m sitting in Reid’s lap with his arm around my waist, ignoring the few confusing eyes that flick our way.

It’s nice coming to the cove in the evenings to chill. Gathered by the fire, talking and joking around.

I’m caught up in the vibe until my phone vibrates in my pocket. I straighten from Reid’s lap and wander away from everyone to answer. “Logan, hey.”

“Cass. It’s been a minute. You won’t even stay on the phone to talk.”

“I’m sorry, Lo.” I rub my forehead, awash with guilt. I have been blowing him off. “I’ve Been so distracted.” In a hot romance with my cousin.

“It’s cool. I wanted to apologize about the on-campus rental thing. I’m sorry if I came off like I was forcing it on you.”

I sigh. “It’s okay. I hope my decision didn’t bum you out too much.”

“That’s fine.” He clears his throat. “Well, August is next week. When’s your flight home?”

I brush over my curls, feeling a prick in my chest at the thought of leaving Reid. “Um, maybe the week before college starts.”

“What?” he gasps. “Cassie, we planned to drive up together sooner. Did you change your mind?”

“Well, it’s just—” I want more time with my boyfriend. “I want to stay here a little longer.”

“Why?” he questions as if perplexed. “Don’t you miss me? It’s been two months already.”

The palpable frustration in his voice gives me a pause. “Logan, what’s going on?”

He releases a heavy groan before speaking. “Cass, I wanted to wait until we’re face to face again to talk, but…”

“Talk about what?” I urge.

There’s a delay before he says softly, “About us.”

“What about us?”

“Get off the phone.” I pivot at Reid’s demanding tone. “Stop talking to him.”

“Who the hell is that?” Logan grits.

“My...” I almost say boyfriend. “My cousin. It’s Reid.”

Logan huffs. “Geez. He sounds fucking fantastic.”

“Stop, Lo.”

“End it,” Reid orders, stepping closer.

“What the hell is his problem?” Logan blurts. “He’s your cousin, not your dad.”

Reid sputters a harsh breath, hearing the remarks through the phone. “Off,” he demands again.

I click my tongue. “Lo, I’ll call you back.”

“Seriously, Cass? You need to check your cousin.”