Page 89 of Firsts


Aunt Helena’s fourth of July barbecue has a good turnout. Even Genevieve invited her friends.

After swimming for a bit, I hang at the side of the pool with Michelle and Nichole.

Though we’re in public, it’s hard to stop my eyes from darting to Reid. I watch him over the glass as I drink iced tea, cooling my body on this hot day.

“Are you feeling Mark?” Nichole inquires.

I snap my head to her, almost choking on ice. “What?” I set the glass down.

“Well, those eyes are yearning for someone. So who is it?” Michelle pries, wiggling her brows. Her brown skin is glowing with a warm summer tan.

I play with a damp curl, nervous yet bursting to tell someone.

“It’s Reid, isn’t it?” Nichole deciphers accurately.

I look around to make sure no one heard. Aunt Helena is a few feet away from us with her friends.

“Um, well,” I murmur. “The thing is…”

“I knew it.” Nichole bumps Michelle’s arm. “Told you.”

Michelle squeezes her brows together and whispers, “But you’re related.”

“We’re not blood,” I hurry to explain, looking at Reid briefly.

“Oh,” they drone in sync.

“You guys still think it’s weird?” I ask, scowling.

They roll their eyes as if I’m silly.

“Not at all,” Nichole says and shrugs. “We like who we like.”

“That’s true.” Michelle holds her hand.

They stare at each other lovingly before sharing a sweet kiss, uncaring to the world.

Smiling, I glance at Reid.

Indeed, we like who we like. But what if I’ve fallen in love with him?

Reid looks over then and smiles at me before refocusing on the conversation with his friends.

My phone starts to ring next to me. Glancing down, I see Dad’s name flashing on the screen. It’s been a while since we spoke.

I hop up and answer while heading inside. “Hey, Dad.”

“Hey, sweetie. Happy fourth. Long time.”

“Yeah.” I close the door for privacy. “We haven’t talked since I found out you…”

He sighs deeply. “I wanted to give you time. I’m sorry, honey. I’ll keep apologizing for however long.”

I wander into the passage, pacing around as I talk. “You know, Dad, I’m still mad that you lied, but at the same time, nothing can change it. And I honestly don’t think about it.”

“I’m glad you and Reid are doing okay. Helena says you’re as close as ever.”