Page 90 of Firsts

My skin burns with the truth of just how close we are. “It’s great that you talk so much now. She brought me to the company the other day. It was cool seeing how everything ran.”

“That’s nice. I forgot how it all looks.”

A thought occurs. “You know, I wouldn’t be against working there in the future.” Hopefully, that’s not my feelings for Reid talking.


It becomes quiet, and I check if he’s still on the line. “Dad?”

“Yeah,” he drones. “Well, if you decide to, I’ll support you when the time comes. No matter what. You know that.”

I smile at his words. “I know, Dad. Thank you.”

He utters a low hum and harrumphs. “Uh, your mom and I spoke to Logan about the on-campus rental.”

My pacing stops. “He told you about that?”

“Yeah.” A gruff sound follows. “Listen, Cass. I know you’re best friends, but we’re not comfortable with you living with a boy. We prefer you stay in the dorm.” Technically, I’m already living with a boy.

“No, I agree.” I’m bobbing even though he can’t see me. “You’re right.”

He sighs. “Well, I’ll let you go. Love you, honey.”

“Love you too, Dad. Talk to you soon.” Right after disconnecting with him, I call Logan.

“Cass, hey—”

“Why did you talk to my parents about living together in a rental? I told you not to.”

He huffs. “Sorry. My parents invited them to dinner, and it sort of came out. I figured you’re interested, anyway.”

I click my tongue and rub my forehead. “Logan, I never said I was. I told you I’d think about it.”

“Which means you’re interested,” he counters, sounding sure.

Dropping my head back, I groan an exasperated breath and tell him firmly, “I’m not. I want to stay in a dorm.”

Low grunts follow my statement, and he takes a second before speaking again. “Cassie, listen—”

“Hey, babe?” I peel around in surprise at the term of endearment.

Reid halts in the doorway, wiping his mouth as if realizing what he’d just called me.

“Who’s that?” Logan blurts, sounding bothered.

“Uh, it’s Reid. He’s talking to his girlfriend.” Not a lie. “I have to go. There are people over.”

“Okay. Call me later. I want to talk about something.”

“Sure. Later,” I agree.

“Love you, Cass.”

I stare into Reid’s eyes, telling Logan again, “Talk later.” I end the call.

Reid gives me an apologetic look as he inches closer. “Tell me that wasn’t your mom or dad.”

“It wasn’t. Um, what were you going to ask me?”