She laughs. “Did you listen to anything Garrett yelled at you?”

I frown. “Are you team Luke now?”

“Stubborn,” she grumbles. “I’m team Liv, always. But I’ve watched Luke walk around like a ghost of a man. He’s functional. He still hangs out with the guys and is present for his sister, but he changed when you left. I’ve never seen anything like it. Brando and the guys hate it, and it was honestly sad to watch. We all witnessed how much he hurt you, but he clearly regrets it, Liv. When most men would have just cut their losses, he didn’t. He’s been waiting for you.”

Her description of Luke sounds a lot like me. I’ve been going through the motions, lying to myself just like Garrett accused me of. “I’m scared,” I whisper.

She smiles. “Being in love is terrifying. But congratulations. Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards fixing it.”

I huff out a laugh as I hold back the tears. I’m about to speak, but we’re interrupted by a knock. Jackson peeks his head in and smiles. “Did I miss girl talk?”

“We were just about to braid each other’s hair. You’re right on time,” Vera says, and I laugh.

“Scooch over,” he says, moving in next to me. I’m squished in between them, even with one of his legs hanging off the side.

“Cozy,” Vera deadpans. He wraps his arm around both of us, so we have more room and I rest against his chest.

“Did you give her the talk yet?” Jackson asks Vera over my head.

Vera nods and salutes him. “Mission complete.”

“Good job, soldier.” He salutes her back, being overdramatic and obnoxious about it.

“So, Jackson, what woman is driving you crazy? It’s your turn to gush,” I say.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he says and lists an exhausting number of women who he’s dated since I left.

“And of course, there’s latest one. She was feisty, smart, and gorgeous.”

“So, what happened?”

“She wasn’t happy that I was coming out here to visit a friend. I don’t do clingy, so I ended it.”

“You keep going like this, you’re going to run out of women to date someday.”

He laughs. “By then I’ll be so old it won’t matter anymore.”

“Or you could try something different. You and Dylan would make a cute couple. Dark and brooding with the class clown. It could work,” Vera says.

I laugh as Jackson pretends to consider her words. “You know, that’s not a bad backup plan. He’s got that whole mysterious thing going for him. And I’d never turn down a challenge like that.”

He presses his lips together but joins in when we roar with laughter. I wipe away my happy tears and wrap my arm around him. “I missed you, Jackson.”

He kisses the top of my head. “I know.”

We laugh again and by the time Jackson leaves so Vera and I can sleep, my cheeks hurt, and my heart is full.