His face falls, but before he can speak Garrett stands, meeting my angry glare with his own. “If you want to blame someone, blame me. Luke is here because I invited him. He would waste his life waiting for you to come around because we both know you’re too damn stubborn to face your fears. Quit being a fucking coward. That’s not who you are. If John was here, he would have done this months ago.”

My anger ignites with each word he utters, but at the mention of my brother, it stalls. He’s right. John would have called me out ages ago. But I’m still pissed. “That’s not your decision to make,” I snarl.

He puts his palms on the table and leans in close, his face red. His gaze is so intense I step backwards. He’d never hurt me, but his anger is like an inferno, searing my insides as he speaks. “I’ve spent every day by your side for the past year watching you lie to yourself. I love you, Liv. But I can’t do it anymore.” He turns to Dylan. “I quit.”

He storms out of the house, taking the heat with him. The room is silent as the screen door slams shut. Dylan scoots his chair back, his face unreadable as he chases after Garrett.

The shock of his outburst has me frozen. Barbara puts her hand on my shoulder, and I jump. “Are you ok, honey?”

I lean on the table, catching my breath like I just ran a marathon as I turn Garrett’s words over in my mind. I’ve never seen him so angry. It kills me that I’m the reason.

A hand lands on mine and I look up into Luke’s kind eyes. He stands next to me while everyone watches me with concern. “He’s wrong. I wouldn’t be wasting my life waiting for you, Liv. I don’t care how long it takes.” He squeezes my hand, offering a small smile before he leaves the room.

The rest of them wait with expectant gazes, but I can’t face them. I turn and bolt up the stairs, slamming my door shut behind me.

I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling as I try to contain my anger. Have I been lying to myself? Before Luke showed up, I would have argued, but now that he’s here, I’m not so sure.

A while later, I hear the front screen door shut and I peek out my window to see Mark, Luke, Brando, Skye, and Jordy with my Uncle Mike walking up the path to the ranch house. I watch Luke’s retreating form. When they get halfway up the hill, Luke turns back and smiles when he sees me, but I duck like a coward and fall onto my bed.

There’s a knock on my door and Vera peeks her head in. “How are you doing?”

I keep my eyes on the ceiling. “How do you think?”

“I’m guessing you’re feeling vulnerable right now.” She walks in and sits on the bed. “Getting called out really sucks.”

I sigh and sit up, pulling her in for a hug. “I’m so happy to see you.”

She squeezes. “We have a lot to catch up on.”

“How’s Garrett?”

She shrugs. “He and Dylan haven’t come back yet.”

That’s not good. “He was so angry,” I whisper.

She smiles. “It’s only because he loves you. He’s passionate about the people he cares about. It's one reason I love him so much."

I scoot back and slap the space next to me. "Enough about me, tell me about you." She kicks off her shoes and settles as we lean our backs against the headboard, just like we did in high school.

“Not much has changed. I’m still pining after Garrett, but he won’t even look at me. He’s just as stubborn as you are.”

I snort a laugh. “Are you still seeing Brando?”

She shakes her head no. “We’re just friends now. And I mean that. We haven’t hooked up in months.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Who have you been dating?”

“My vibrator. I’m trying to prove to Garrett that I don’t need anyone else.”

My smile slips and I squeeze her hand. “I’m sorry Vera, but Garrett has been seeing someone for a few months now.”

She sags against the headboard. “I guess that explains it.”

I wrap my arm around her shoulders. “Look at us. Pining after men we can’t have.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yea, except Luke is here to win you back.”

“He can try, but it won’t work.”