
Iavoidthebarnfor a few days, but there’s no way I can avoid Charlie forever. Sure enough, we return from my shift at the shelter to find him walking from the barn to his apartment. He’s carrying his shirt and a water bottle. His back is to us, so I slow my steps, hoping he doesn’t hear us approach. Of course, Garrett calls out a friendly hello and if looks could kill, my not brother would be super dead. He waits for us, and I fidget with the hem of my shirt as I stop a few feet from him. Garrett winks at me before bounding up the porch steps and disappearing into the house.

“Are you avoiding me?” he asks.

“Is it that obvious?”

He shrugs. “I just wanted to warn you.”

“About what?”

“The entire town saw us kissing. So, we’re dating now. I thought you should know.”

My face heats and I kick a rock off the path.

“You only have yourself to blame, so I won’t apologize. I sure had a good time,” he says.

Laughter bursts from my lungs and he kills me with his dimples. “Are you going to tease me forever?”

He nods. “Pretty much, yea.”

The screen door thuds closed, and my dad clears his throat, crossing his arms and staring at Charlie. He sighs and grins at me. “I don’t want to get fired, so I’ll see you later, lover.”

I giggle as he winks and walks away. He looks back and smiles again before he climbs the stairs and disappears into his apartment.

“I can’t tell you what to do, but that would be a mistake,” my dad speaks from right next to me and I gasp as my hand clutches my chest.

“Jesus, Dad. Don’t sneak up like that.” I take a calming breath and follow him to the house. “I already told you, I’m not interested.”

“Sometimes it happens out of nowhere.” He stares off towards the glistening lake, lost in thought, or a memory.

“There you two are! Dinner is ready!” Barbara calls from the kitchen when we walk in. Garrett thuds down the stairs and helps me set the table.

“I made my famous lemon chicken,” Barbara says as Dad puts on potholders and sets the steaming dish in the middle of the table on a turret.

“Smells great,” Garrett says, and she beams at him.

“Thanks, babe,” Dad says and kisses her hand. I grin at the exchange and soon we’re digging in and laughing as we talk about our day. As we’re finishing up, a warm glow settles around me. It’s an unexpected family, but it’s mine.

“So, kids, we wanted to share some exciting news with you,” Barbara says, smiling at my dad as she leans into his shoulder.

“What is it?” I ask, my mind whirling.

“Dennis signed the divorce papers. I’m a free woman!”

“Not that free,” my dad says and kisses her while she giggles.

She stands and holds her arms out and we embrace. “I’m so happy we’re all together again,” she says.

I step away and frown. “But we’re not.” Dad’s smile slips.

“I’m sorry, I misspoke. Of course, I want your brother here too,” she says, sitting down and arranging her skirt. I blink in confusion. She called him my brother, not her son.

“Did you forget you had a son?”

She frowns. “Of course not.”

“Livvie, John knows we’re together,” Dad says.