My brows lower. “You spoke to him?”

He nods. “He called last night.”

I sigh and sink into my chair. “Why can’t I ever talk to him?”

Dad sighs. “He misses you so much. It’s just bad timing. He never knows when he can call.”

Garrett squeezes my shoulder and I relax. “Should we have pie?” I ask to change the subject. Barbara nods.

“Let’s have ice cream too! We’re celebrating after all,” she says and follows me into the kitchen. The warm glow from earlier has disappeared. In its place is suspicion. I can’t explain it, but something seems off again. I push it aside as the chatter continues.

Garrett leans close when Barbara and my dad are canoodling. “What’s up?” he asks.


He twists his lips to the side, not believing my bullshit. He never does.

“I’m fine. Promise.”

He relents and we move to the living room to watch a Marilyn Monroe movie, one of my mom’s favorites. All three of them pass out within thirty minutes. I’m still wide awake, so I decide to take a walk. I leave a note so they don’t panic if they wake up while I’m gone. The moon is bright and big in the sky, lighting my path to the lake. I walk to the end of the dock and sit with my feet dangling in the water.

I lean on my hands and close my eyes, taking in a deep breath. My unease dissipates and Luke’s face appears. His eyes light up as he laughs. He brings a beer bottle to his lips and addresses someone I can’t see. He looks happy to anyone watching, but to me, there’s a sadness underneath he’s trying to hide. I can relate.

“Reliving our moment together?” Charlie says. His voice doesn’t startle me like it should, like I expected him somehow.

“You wish.”

He chuckles and sits next to me. I watch him pull off his flip flops and dip his feet in. “Why are you out here alone?” he asks.

“Weird night. I needed some air.”

“Your dad give you shit for spending time with me?”

I nod. “He thinks you’d be a mistake.”

“He doesn’t know the half of it.”

I raise my eyebrow at him. “You think I should stay away from you?”

He nods. “It would be smart.”

“Then why are you here?”

He smiles. “You tell me.”

I search his face for a second. “I don’t know.”

“Can I ask you a weird question?” He swishes his feet in the water.


“Do you have a weird pull towards me? Sort of like we’ve met before?” he asks.

I ponder his question. It would explain my intense attraction to him. He’s an attractive guy, but I’m not that shallow. There’s something else pulling me in. Something I can’t describe. But he’s always seemed familiar. “I suppose so, yes.”

“You’re like me.”

I scrunch my eyebrows. “What do you mean?”