Markstepsoutofthe limo ahead of me, and I follow him to the sidewalk. We’re here to support Brody and the charity he helped create for kids who never had access to sports like he did as a kid. He and his teammates have helped update or build new football stadiums in over fifty high schools across the country in the past few years. They donate equipment and everything the school needs to get a league started.
Tonight will be a huge turnout of sports celebrities and Hollywood A-listers. I forced Emilia to come with me, so she brought her husband Xander, who was more than excited to attend, being a huge LA fan himself.
Jordy steps out behind me and holds his hand out for Skye. She usually turns her nose up at public events, but she jumped at the chance to come tonight. She arranges her red gown behind her and holds onto Jordy’s arm as we pass the line of blinding lights and journalists. Jordy adjusts his tie. He’s always been uncomfortable in suits. In the past, Mark and I would be enough security for Skye. But everything is different now.
People shout for me, but for Skye especially since she never comes to these events. She smiles and waves, but we don’t stop for anyone. My shoulders relax once we’re inside.
Emilia waves at us from a high-top table near the bar and we weave our way through the crowd to get to her. “Oh my God, Skye! Your dress is gorgeous,” Emilia gushes as she hugs her.
“You look beautiful as always, Em,” Skye says.
Xander downs the rest of his drink, no doubt nervous to meet the celebrities tonight, even though he’s married to one. He turns to me with a big grin and pulls me in for a back clapping hug. “Luke! It’s so good to see you.”
I hug him back and he waves to the hostess and orders drinks for us. Xander is around my dad’s age, but the age gap never bothered Emilia, so it never bothered me. He stays active and even though he’s graying, you would never guess he’s almost sixty.
“You too, Xan. How’s Rachel?”
He beams at the mention of his daughter from a previous marriage. Rachel is in her mid-twenties. I’ve met her a few times, but she never warmed up to the idea of her dad marrying Emilia, so she doesn’t come around often. It also doesn’t help that she works for Reilly Tech’s rival, Angelo Technologies.
“She’s great. Just got a promotion,” he says.
Emilia hugs Jordy and Mark, then leans in to embrace me. “How are you doing?” she asks.
I shrug.
“How is Liv doing?” Xander asks, his eyes creased with concern. I’ve always liked him. He used to work for my dad. He and my cousin dated in secret while my dad was training her for the CEO position. When she became CEO, she told Xander they had to call it off. She couldn’t date her employee. The next day, he quit his six-figure job. He’s since started his own art business, which was his secret life passion. They married a few years ago, after Dad passed. I’ll never forget the joy on her face as I walked her down the aisle. The echoes of it still shine in her eyes when she looks at Xander, which is why I’ll always support their marriage.
“I think she’s recovering well.”
“Think? You haven’t spoken with her?”
I shake my head. “Not since she left San Diego last year.”
“Did she ever tell you where she went?”
I know right where she is, but I’m respecting her wishes to remain hidden. “No.”
“When are you going to fight for her?” Emilia asks.
I take a long pull of my drink. I’m saved by a commotion at the entrance, and we turn as Brody walks in. He sees me right away and ignores his admirers as he beelines for us. “Thanks for coming,” he says as he hugs me. He hugs Skye and Emilia, then shakes Mark, Xander, and Jordy’s hands before he faces me again. “You guys are at my table up front, I made sure.”
He gets called away and kisses Skye’s hand, winking at her before he walks away just to piss me off. Skye giggles and winks back at him while Jordy frowns at her.
“Luke, I know you don’t want to talk about Liv, but if I can offer you one piece of unsolicited advice?” Xander asks.
Anyone else I would have said no, but for him I nod.
“If you love her, go after her. Don’t let her get away. Those reasons you have for staying away? They’re bullshit. Life is too short. You know that better than most.”
“He’s right, Luke,” Emilia says.
I’ve almost driven to the airport about twenty times since she left. Every time, I talk myself out of it. If Liv isn’t ready for me, showing up without warning could ruin everything. I’ve only got one shot for her to forgive me. I refuse to blow it. But my patience is quickly running out.
“I love you guys. When are you going to have kids?” I say, knowing it will derail the conversation.
Emilia rolls her eyes. “Fine. Deflect if you must. And for the five-thousandth time, we’re not having kids.”