I smirk as she crosses her arms and Xander rests his calming hand on her shoulder. She leans into him.

Someone announces for us to take our seats in the ballroom, and we file inside. Once we’re settled, Mark asks Xander about his latest project and we settle into friendly conversation. Emilia sits across from me, so I notice when she tenses and glares behind my shoulder. Xander drops his arm from her chair and rests his hand on her thigh.

I don’t have to turn around to know who’s approaching. There’s only one man that could elicit such a reaction from Emilia.

“Luke, my boy! How are you, son?” Victor Angelo says and I plaster on a fake smile as he steps next to me.

My eye twitches as I stand to shake his hand. “Victor.”

“I thought I was looking at a ghost. You look so much like your father,” he says with a jovial laugh. I can’t find the humor.

He purses his lips and looks over at Emilia, who has her fake smile in place as well. “It’s a family affair. How wonderful. Emilia, you’re ravishing, as usual.” He extends his hand, and they shake.

She cringes when he brings her hand to his lips. She pulls her hand away and leans into Xander.

“Xander, my man. It’s been ages. How the hell are you?”

Xander stands and they shake. “Good. And you?”

“Wonderful. Business is booming, thanks to your daughter. She’s smart for a woman.”

Emilia’s lip curls up and I don’t blame her. The guy reeks of misogyny. He went to college with my dad and befriended him to steal his ideas when Dad was creating Reilly Tech. My dad was too smart for him, but that never stopped Victor from competing.

He does a double take when he sees Skye and palms his chest. “My word. This can’t be James’ little girl? You’ve grown into a gorgeous young woman.” He moves over to her and takes her hand, lingering far too long for my liking when he kisses her hand and stares down at her. He puts his finger under her chin. “Just beautiful,” he whispers, and my hackles rise, but Jordy is ten steps ahead of me.

He shoots out of his chair and gets in between them, forcing Victor back a few steps. He doesn’t speak. Victor has perfected the condescending chuckle. “This must be the boyfriend,” he says.

“This is the bodyguard. Stand back.” Jordy says, his voice calm but firm. Victor nods in approval, patting him on the shoulder.

“Good man.”

Victor glances at Mark, then looks around us. “Where’s your pretty girlfriend I keep hearing about, Luke?”

I clench my fist. The man obsesses over our family. He already knows I broke up with Liv. “We’re not together anymore.”

His face falls. “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.” I’ll never understand people like him who can lie with ease.

He grips my shoulder in what’s supposed to be a show of comfort, but only makes me want to punch him.

A barely legal voluptuous brunette wearing an expensive low-cut silver dress grabs onto his arm. “You ready, darling?”

He pats her hand. “Yes, my dear. This is Luke Reilly. Luke, this is my fiancé.”

I extend my hand and she holds it like a dead fish, pursing her lips in what I assume is a smile.

“Congratulations,” I say.

Victor grins and eyes her cleavage before he faces me again. “Let’s catch up after dinner,” he says to Xander, who nods at him.

Jordy doesn’t relax until he’s several tables away, and then he takes his seat. Skye squeezes his arm, and he takes a calming breath before smiling at her.

“He’s such a creep. You are not catching up with that bastard.” Emilia shudders, and Xander puts his arm around her again.

"I was just being polite. He's Rachel's boss," Xander says.

Emilia grumbles something under her breath and Xander sighs and kisses her temple. Victor tried to put the moves on her years ago. I’m not surprised. The man would kill to get insider secrets at Reilly Tech, but that will never happen.

Brody joins us, taking the seat between me and Skye. Soon he has everyone laughing. Skye hangs onto his every word. I know she’s always had a crush on him, but Brody values his life, so he’d never make a move on her.