Sylvie tosses the syringe onto the table and collapses onto her stool, her head sinking into her hands. “Spec, I can’t keep doing this to him.”

I pull the other stool up and sit in front of her, grabbing her wrists to pull her hands away from her face. “You’re going to save him, Sylvie. I know you will.”

She sighs and glances at John. A tiny tear slides down her cheek, but I know better than to bring attention to it. “He hates me,” she whispers and squeezes my wrists.

“He doesn’t hate you. Just give him time.”

She nods and releases me, standing and pretending to adjust her glasses while she wipes away her tears. “He might need help to get to his room when he wakes.” She glances at John before she disappears to get to work on the next dose.

John’s heartbeat changes a few minutes later and his eyes blink open. “I’m good.”

I unclasp his restraints and he moves to a seated position, the gurney squeaking under his weight. After scrubbing his face with his hands, he nods, and I help him stand. He wobbles and puts his arm around my shoulders. It would be easier if I picked him up, but he doesn’t trust me either. He’s only nicer to me because he thinks I’ve never lied to him.I help him shuffle to his room.

He collapses onto his bed and yawns. “Hey, Specter. Wait a sec.”

He rests his head on the pillow as his eyes droop. “Tell her to keep going.”

I nod and he relaxes, asleep in seconds. I leave the room, the door sliding shut behind me. Sylvie looks up from her microscope when I return to the lab. “Give him access to Liv’s feed. It will help his mood.”

She straightens and nods at me. “Thank you, Specter.”

I head back to Raven’s office and open the app on my phone as I walk, flipping through the feeds until I find Liv. I smile when I do. She’s jumping up and down as she peers at her camera screen, a huge grin splitting her face. Something so simple makes her so happy. She’s lucky. Only one thing will make me happy and it’s the most complicated thing in the world.