“I work in security.” He already caught the exchange between Jackson and I.

Vera nods. “That makes sense. Do you like it?”

Mark glances at me with a wry grin. “Mostly. Some dickheads I work for can test my patience sometimes.”

Brando and Jackson snicker, and my lips thin. Liv’s eyes are full of questions, but she doesn’t comment.

“And you’re a personal trainer, right?” Vera says, turning her attention to Brando next to me. He perks up and I can feel the excited energy flowing off him.

“I am.”

She appraises him and crosses her legs. “It shows.”

If Brando was a peacock, he’d be blinding her with his butt feathers right now. His arms rest on the table and he not so subtly flexes them as he grins at her.

“I love your name. It starts with my favorite letter,” Brando says. Jackson rolls his eyes. We all know where this is going.

“Oh? Why’s that?” Vera grins at him, not shying away from his innuendo.

His mouth curves up on one side. “There are a couple body parts I enjoy that start with the letter V.”

Vera shifts towards him. “Which do you prefer? The vagina or the vulva?”

Brando copies her posture. “I was talking about vertebrae and the vestibular system. But the answer to your question depends on a lot of factors. My tongue prefers the vulva and my-”

Mark slaps his hand on the table, cutting Brando off.

“Sorry about him. He stopped maturing around 6th grade.” Mark glares at Brando, but he’s locked in a heated staring contest with Vera.

“Yea, the rest of us made it to at least 8th grade,” Jackson quips and we all laugh as the tension eases. Kristy arrives with our meals a second later.

“Your taco addiction isn’t that crazy,” Liv says as we pass the guys their plates.

I smile at her, happy that we already have inside jokes. “This is the tip of the iceberg.”

She laughs, and the conversation continues to flow around the table.

I’ve never seen Brando like this. He has no problem flirting with pretty girls. He’s nervous but trying to hide it.

Jackson catches my eye as Mark speaks to Vera and motions to Brando between us. I shrug and he shakes his head with a grin. Looks like Brando has a crush too.

“I had dinner with John last night. He said to say hi,” Liv says.

“Tell him I say hi back.” She grins, and my excitement grows. I’m sure her brother’s approval means a lot to her.

The staff clear out some tables to make room for dancing as we finish our meals. Liv watches with interest. “Do you ladies line dance?” Jackson asks.

Liv and Vera smile at him. “We frequented a country bar in college up north,” Vera says.

“Perfect. Let’s head to the bar to grab some drinks,” he says. The seat squeaks and groans as we scoot out of the booth.

I snag Kristy as she passes. “Put it all on my tab, ok? This is for you.” Kristy nods and grins when I hand her a folded hundred-dollar bill.

“That was generous. Thank you,” Liv says when she joins me at the bar. I didn’t realize she’d heard me.

“You’re welcome.”

“Ladies, this is Austin. He’ll take all of your drink orders this evening. It’s on the house,” Jackson says. Austin shakes their hands and gives them a friendly smile. He nods at me and then heads over to the taps to pour us beers.