“This is a good thing. Stop overthinking it and just go with it,” Mark says.
“Don’t worry bro, we got your back.” Jackson holds his fist out and we bump. Yep, this was a terrible idea.
We walk into The Lone Boot on Saturday night and take a seat at our regular booth in the corner. I own one third of the bar. Jackson and his best friend from high school, Austin, each own their own third. When I inherited my dad’s wealth, it would have been easy to become one of those rich assholes who blew their money on trivial things. But my favorite thing to spend my money on is my friend’s dreams. If it were up to me, I would outright buy the bar and sign the deed over to Jackson, but he has pride and I respect him. Same as Brando.
Jackson and Austin handle the day-to-day. I’m more of a silent partner and my profits go towards repairs and upkeep of the building.
My leg bounces as I glance over at the door every three seconds. My phone buzzes with a text from Liv. They’re almost here. The guys just grin at me while I suffer in agitated silence.Fuckers.They’re all here but Jordy, who is with Skye on her camping trip with her friends in the desert. I’m glad she’s gone so she can’t harass me about Liv. I’ll fill her in when the time is right.
A few minutes later, a pretty blonde strolls in, but my gaze locks on Liv behind her. She’s put makeup on. Just enough to highlight her beauty. I can still see those adorable freckles on her cheekbones. She’s wearing a green sundress with white flowers that makes her eyes pop. She wears gray chucks and I try not to drool over her sexy casual vibe. I have the urge to run my fingers through her silky red hair that hangs in loose waves down her shoulders. Mark kicks me under the table, and I realize she’s just said hi to me.
I blink and stand up, giving her a hug because I have to touch her. Air fills my lungs when my hands contact her hair as I wrap them around her back. It’s just as silky as I thought it would be.
“You’re beautiful.” It pops out of my mouth as her hazel eyes meet mine. A pretty blush colors her cheeks.
“Thank you. You clean up nice.” She shows me a gorgeous heart stopping smile.Holy fuck.
“This is Vera,” Liv says, angling towards the blonde.
I hold my hand out to shake, and Vera takes it with a knowing smirk. She sees everything I’m feeling for her friend in a glance. I swallow and find my voice.
“Nice to meet you.” I turn to the assholes behind me and introduce them. Brando seems to have the same malfunction as me as he shakes Vera’s hand. Jackson kicks him under the table and Brando closes his mouth.
“Mark is an old friend from the Marines,” I say when I introduce Liv to him.
“Old is right,” Brando says, and laughs when Mark rolls his eyes.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Liv. I’ve heard good things,” Mark says. Liv smiles as they shake hands.
I nudge Brando and they all scoot over to make room in the u-shaped booth. Liv slides in next to me and Vera sits opposite us next to Mark.
“I’m glad you suggested this place. We’ve been meaning to check it out for a while,” Liv says, gesturing to Vera across from her.
“Well, you’re in for a treat.” I grin at her and we all turn when our server, Kristy, approaches.
“Hey boss,” Kristy says to Jackson, who sits at the bottom of the U between Brando and Mark. Liv and Vera give him a curious look as Kristy takes our food and drink orders.
When it’s Liv’s turn, she tells Kristy she’ll have the same thing as me. “I have to see what all the fuss is about,” she says. I earn another blush when I smile at her.
We didn’t think of the logistics of cramming four big ass dudes in the booth with two women taking up the space Jordy would have. I rest my arm on the back of the booth behind Liv to give us more room, and she leans into me like she’s been doing it her whole life. She fits against me perfectly, and it takes every ounce of my control to keep my hand planted on the leather behind her.
“Do you work here, Jackson?” Liv asks once Kristy heads off to fill our order.
“I own the bar with my buddy Austin.” He meets my eyes and I give him a subtle shake of my head. I don’t want Liv to realize I’m part owner. That would bring up too many questions I’m not ready to answer.
Liv’s face lights up. “Wow! That’s so cool. I like the atmosphere.”
He gives her a cocky grin. “Thanks, darlin’. I’m pretty proud of it.”
“So, were you guys all in the Marines together?” Vera asks.
We all nod. “Mark joined the civilian world a few years ahead of us. He was so old they had to put him out to pasture,” Brando says. He ignores the flat look from Mark.
Mark gestures to the three of us. “They’re just mad I can still bench press as much as them.” Liv laughs and Mark glows. I get it. Her laughter makes you feel good.
“Thank you guys for your service,” Liv says, and we all smile at her.
“So what do you do now, Mark?” Vera asks from her seat next to him.