Page 46 of Hiding Forever

“That’s unique. Why Poppy?”

She shrugs one shoulder. “I’ve always liked the name.”

“Then Poppy it is. What about this little fellow?” I pet the male kitten’s back.

“Little fellow sounds cute but it’s a mouthful. So…maybe we could name him Vizzini.”

“Where do I know that name?” I murmur to myself.

“The Princess Bride.”

“Oh yeah. That was a great movie. But wasn’t Vizzini the bad guy?”

“Yes. But I like saying the name. And it’ll be good on him. Because he’s good.” She stares at the kitten on her chest.

“It’s settled then. Itty-bitty, Poppy, and Vizzini.”

Nova’s face brightens. “I like it when you say it, too. And I love them so much.” She kisses Vizzini’s head. “It’ll be good for us to focus on something else other than our problems.”

I hadn’t realized I was doing just that until she said it. All my thoughts are about me, my life, my loss, my ex, my existence, my hiding, my solitude. Focusing on something—some things—else is exactly what I need. “I agree.”

We eye each other and tension in my neck releases. I didn’t know it was there until this moment but letting it go feels like a step in the right direction. “You are wise, Nova.”

“And you are kind—one of the best kinds.” She winks, and the steel around my heart melts a little more.