Page 47 of Hiding Forever



Riley and I had pizza for dinner thanks to Inez, and we agreed it was the best pizza either of us has ever eaten.

Now, I lie on the couch with Poppy snuggled on my chest. Riley is on the floor on a pile of blankets from the linen closet. Itty-bitty and Vizzini lay entwined on his chest. Itty-bitty’s tail taps his chin to a calm beat.

It doesn’t take me long to dose off to the sound of purring and the vibration from Poppy’s little furry body.

Like the other night, my dreams are filled with kittens and a sexy surfer-looking guy.

When I wake, morning light filters through the windows and glass doors. Heat radiates throughout my body from the kitten asleep on my chest. Did she move at all?

On the floor, on his back, Riley is shirtless. Vizzini sleeps, curled in a ball by Riley’s ear, and Itty-bitty lies under Riley’s hand on his chest—and what a chest it is. Defined pecs and chiseled abs rise and fall with his even breathing. I have the urge to nestle against his side and caress his tan skin.

Is there anything sexier than a shirtless man surrounded by kittens? I don’t think so.

Slowly, I raise my arms above my head and stretch my body, waking it up. Poppy lifts her face and peers at me through sleepy eyes.

“Morning, little girl.” I pet her head. She shivers and rises to her paws. Claws dig into my torso. I hiss and sit up while moving Poppy to my lap. My hair is an unruly mess. I tuck strands behind my ear to get it out of my face.

Riley’s eyes blink open, and a slight smile forms on his lips. “Morning.”

He stretches, too, and wow. All I can do is stare and sigh a bit too loudly.

Riley’s gaze jumps to me.

Busted.I rub my eyes, trying to cover up the fact that I was openly gawking at him.

To my nice surprise, Riley doesn’t call me out or pick on me for my behavior. Justice would have said something about how sexy he is and try to have sex with me. He’s clueless when it comes to romance or foreplay.

“How’d you sleep?” I ask, wondering whether he’s sore.

“Not bad. You?” He moves Itty-bitty to the blanket as he sits up. She nips at his hand.

I laugh. “She loves to bite you.”

Riley chuckles, the sound sleepy and sexy as hell. He drops his head forward and rubs his eyes before raising his head and pushing his long bangs away from his face.

My bottom lip falls at his inadvertent sex appeal. Does he know he’s a walking fantasy?

Look but don’t touch, I remind myself. I moved too quickly with Justice, I realize now. Of course, that’s how Justice is with everything. If he wants it, he makes it his.

Vizzini stands and arches his back as he yawns.

I lean sideways and pet behind his ears. “Morning, little guy.”

Itty-bitty looks at Riley and meows the cutest, sweetest baby sounding meow. “What?” He gives her a long stroke. “Are you hungry? I bet you are. I bet you all are.” He glances at each of them and stands. “I’ll fill their bowl.”

“You don’t have to.” I stand and sway with a dizzy spell.

Riley grips my hips to steady me. “Get up too quickly?”

His gravelly voice and strong hold unleash a swell of heat and excitement throughout my body.

This kind of reaction won’t do if I plan to resist his appeal.

“Yeah,” I answer. “I’m okay now. Thanks.” Our eyes lock, and I feel dizzy again, except this is from not breathing.