Page 104 of Hiding Forever



Stay in the bed?

That was two hours ago.

“Where is he?” I glance at Gigi, who sits on the couch in the pool house.

“I don’t know. I don’t believe we’re meant to know this information, but I trust Mr. Glenn and Riley trusts Agent Keller. We have no reason to fear.”

I pet Vizzini, as he sleeps on my lap, from where I sit on the rug near the couch. Poppy licks her fur, giving herself a bath, and Itty-bitty lies near her, pawing Poppy’s head every time it comes within reach. “What if he doesn’t come back?”

“He’s coming back. Mr. Glenn was clear about that.”

I stare up at her face; no worry shows in her eyes. “You asked him?”

She nods. “He’s coming back. Of that, I am certain.”

But will he be staying?I don’t ask that out loud. Gigi knows how much Riley means to me. He loves me, but is that enough to keep him around? When he makes up his mind, he seems to stick with the plan. I imagine he has one now. He’s not the kind of person not to; I just don’t know whether it includes a future with me.

I’m not what he wants in life—a public-eye figure. Not that I’m famous by merit, but I might be if my collection takes off.

“What’s on your mind, dear?” Gigi tucks her bare feet up onto the cushion.

“I think I want to keep Riley,” I murmur to my lap where Vizzini purrs.

“I figured as much. Have you two had a chance to talk about that?”

“Not really.” I stroke the soft fur between Vizzini’s ears. The left one twitches. “We talked a little but then he had to leave before we could discuss anything deeper.”

“And you’re scared.” She’s not asking.

“I’ve never been scared of a relationship or a guy or love before. Why am I now? I’m more confident than I’ve ever been. I believe in myself. I have a plan for my future, but I know my goals and dreams are exact opposites of Riley’s. He wants to live a secluded mountain life.”

“Would that be so bad if it means you get to be with the one you love?”

Vizzini stands and arches his back high before heading in the direction of the litter box. I stretch out my legs to get the blood circulation going and lean back on my hands. “It wouldn’t be bad living with Riley, but I don’t want to hide forever. I’m done hiding. I want to visit my friends, go to the beach without a wig, go shopping, kiss Riley in public for all the world to see and have him kiss me back without fear of being a target.”

“Is that all?” she asks in a perceptive tone.

“What else could there be?”

“For both of you to be happy and free?”

“Yes. That, too.”

“And together, in love forever?”

“For sure!”

“What about marriage? Babies? Does he want any of these things? Do you?”

“I haven’t even considered those.”

“He may have.” She plants her feet on the rug and leans forward, resting her elbows on her thighs. “Has he told you he loves you?”

I blush. “He did.”