A knowing smile eases across her face. “Then you’ll work it out.” She sits back, confident.
“If you want it badly enough, can’t imagine your life without him, you’ll find a way. I always did.”
I raise my brows at that.
“Yes, yes. I know what you’re thinking. I divorced everyone I’ve ever loved, and that is true. Some I still love, though. We just couldn’t work it out or we weren’t meant to. I’m in love with love, darling. I haven’t given up on it yet either. Love is mysterious and surprising.”
“Yes, it is.”
“But I’m happy being single. I don’t need a man to complete me. You don’t either, but when you find one as good as Riley, you hold on to him. I have a feeling, once you two set the record straight about your intentions, you’ll find a young man unwilling to walk away from you.”
I can’t stop a smile from forming at the thought. I try to imagine a future with him and then a future without him. My frown comes swiftly. Perhaps we can work it out. Perhaps there is hope. I love him more than I ever thought possible. I admire him. I’m insanely attracted to him, and I feel respected by him, which is new to me, and wonderful. Riley would be an incredible father, based on how loving he is toward our kittens. I’d never imagined that path for me but only because I couldn’t imagine any of the guys I dated being fathers. They sucked. With Riley, I could have more than I dreamed of for myself.
Cold fear slithers down my spine at the thought of losing him. It’s also something I’ve never experienced. I check the time on my phone, which is beside me on the rug. Three hours have passed.
“He’ll be back.” Gigi stands, and I wonder if she can read minds. “Let’s walk to the main house and make our own food. Inez will have a fit.”
I laugh. “That is like declaring mutiny.” My hands grow clammy at the thought.
“I’ve always been a bit of a rebel.” She winks.
“Yes, you have.” And I love her for it. Couldn’t imagine the kind of grandmother who bakes cookies or knits. Do grandmas who knit exist these days?
I secure the kittens in the playpen and head to the room to get my sneakers from the closet. Gigi left her shoes by the door and is waiting there for me.
“Nova, dear?” she shouts from the other room. “I’ll meet up with you later.”
What is she talking about? I tie my laces in a hurry and race back to Gigi, only she’s gone and in her place stands Riley.
Like before when he arrived this morning, I charge him. He smirks and opens his arms wide to catch me. I leap and strangle his neck as I pepper kisses across his cheeks, chin, and stubbly jawline.
He chuckles. “I missed you, too.”
“Don’t say you’re leaving,” I murmur between kisses to his warm lips. I feel them curve with a smile.
“I’m not leaving. Ever.”
My breath catches. “Ever?” Please let this be real and not a dream.
“I’m yours, baby, for as long as you’ll have me.” He kisses my neck.
“And if I said forever?” I tilt my head back, giving him more access while my fingers dig into his hair, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He’s hard already.
“I’d say move me in for good.”
I lift my head, dazed and horny as hell. “Are you serious?”
He kisses my lips. “One hundred percent.”
“Where would we live?”
He kisses under my ear. “Wherever you want.”
“For real?”
“For real.”