Page 45 of Fireworks

Chapter Seventeen




After almost four months, my mother had almost fully forgiven me for lying to her. I now had to tell her every time I was going near a plane. She insisted she needed to come down to the hanger I flew out of. She gave Harry a half an hour speech about what she would do to him if anything ever happened to me. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life, but it got her to talk to me about it.

I apologized to my mother for keeping such a big secret, but when I finally told her it brought me closer to dad, she said she understood what I meant. She didn’t agree with it and she didn’t condone my choice. I was an adult. She knew she couldn’t do anything to keep my feet on the ground.

Relief washed over me now that it was finally spring break. I was going to have some much needed time off from school and work. I had been working in between my classes, helping at a construction site. Most of the work was meaningless lugging things from one side of a property to the other. I had been busting my ass to show them they could let me do so much more. The owner, Miles Phillips, said we could discuss my responsibilities when I got back from Texas. It sounded promising. I couldn’t wait to see what he was going to let me do.

The prospect of seeing Asher's place had me on the edge of my seat as I counted down the days until I would be down in Texas with him. Life was so different not having him not around. I had adjusted and we talked to one another on a weekly basis. It wasn't the same going from seeing each other every day to only at the holidays.

As promised, spring break would be his chance to show me all that I was missing down in Texas. He had continued since Christmas to tell me how I could just move down there and find work with no issue. We both knew I needed to finish up my degree first. I couldn’t just pick up and leave the same way he had.

Grilling him every time I called him, he refused to tell me if he and Bridget had talked anymore. Even getting Bridget to tell me anything would always result in her changing the subject to something that had nothing to do with her dating life or Asher. I hoped that seeing him face to face, I’d get him to spill the story because they both acted strange when I brought it up. She told me he had texted her, and she seemed so excited about it, but soon after that, they both clammed up and refused to talk.

The part of the trip I wasn’t looking forward to was that the Hanover family would also be there for the visit. It would not be only going to bars and hanging out. We would need to be on our best behavior with his parents there. The plan was that we would drive down, which was fine with me. Then Evie called me a few days ago, asking if I wanted to fly out with them. They had a change of plans and wouldn’t be able to drive. A glimmer of hope filled me as I told her I didn’t have a problem still driving. Alone time with nothing but the quiet of the road sounded amazing.

Asher had been texting me non-stop all morning, asking if I had gotten on the road yet. Telling him I was going to check if his parents needed to have me bring any of their luggage, he sent me back a thumb up emoji. My truck had room and it could save them from having to check anything at the airport. Heading to their house I was ready for some well-deserved alone time before subjecting myself to being forced to hang out with Katie and not act like I had ever kissed her.



“So, we have some bad news. We brought the car in. Driving down won’t be an option anymore. We have to fly.”

The words came out of my mother’s mouth like she was telling me they were out of her favorite ice cream flavor at the store. My stomach dropped at the mere thought of boarding a plane. I had never actually been on one, but it still terrified me. Having absolutely no control and having to trust a stranger to get me to my destination thousands of feet up was not on my current list of things I wanted to do. She continued, not even noticing my lack of enthusiasm.

“The good news is that means we can stay down there longer and spend more time with your brother.”

“Mom, I think I’m going to rent a car. I'm not getting on a plane.” I paused, turning back to her face her. “Wait, how did you get a flight out so fast?”

She glanced at me, unsure if I was being serious. My mouth didn’t move from its rigid stance as she frowned back at me.

“Oh Katie, you can’t avoid planes forever. We’ve known for a few days but knew you didn’t need the stress at school. We booked two seats and figured one of us could still go with Nate since he’s still driving down.”

She knew exactly what was keeping me from getting on a plane and why I didn’t like the idea of them being on one either. When she was met by my silence, she continued.

“It was a technical malfunction, sweetheart. Since then, technology has come so far. They check and double-check everything a million times before everyone boards. It’s perfectly safe. You know your father. He wouldn'tbe getting on a plane if it wasn’t safe.”

Just as she finished her sentence, I heard the door open behind me.

“She’s right, you know. They are the safest way to travel.”

My jaw immediately clenched as I heard his voice. I hadn’t seen him since the night at the bar. Our last actual conversation was him being pissed off at me for ratting him out to his mother for something he shouldn’t have been hiding. I had no desire to be anywhere near him.

“If she won’t get on the plane, I’ll drive down with her, so she isn’t alone.”

His words barely finished rolling off his tongue before I snapped back.

“I’ll be fine on my own. I donotneed to be stuck in a car with him for that long. I’d rather be struck by lightning.”

My mother smiled as Nate walked around the kitchen counter to hug her hello.

“Nate, that's so sweet of you to offer. Katie, it’s your choice. Either you go on the plane or Nate drives down with you. You’re not renting a car by yourself. It’s out of the question.”