Page 44 of Fireworks

Rolling my eyes, he should know the answer already to his ridiculous question.

“No, like I told you last night, I can’t miss my class. You justgo pre-game or whatever without me, it’s fine.”

His exhale was audible through the receiver.

“Yeah, you say that, but then when you show up and I’m already eight beers in, you get pissed.”

“So maybe don’t get wasted before four o’clock in the afternoon before I can even get there. Did that ever cross your mind?”

I was no longer hiding my distaste for his decisions lately. He knew my schoolwork was important and was going to come first. To even ask me to skip it was an idiotic idea. We had been together about six months now and the shine of our perfect relationship was already fading. Where he was once patient about my virginity, he was now getting borderline arrogant about it. I hated when he was drinking because it only got worse.

He wouldn’t ever lay a hand on me, but the verbal degrading was beginning to be a bit more than I was willing to take. If he had a problem with me not wanting to have sex yet, especially with a drunken frat boy, then he could walk his sorry ass out my door.

Nate’s words still haunted me about not being able to get it back. I hated that his voice would pop into my head every single time I started making out with Brandon or we would be physical. I needed him to get out of my damn head already.

“You don’t need to be a bitch about it.”

The phone disconnected. He probably already had a few beers. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with his shit today. Two of my professors made me aware that I was in danger of failing. There had never been a time in my life that I got anything below a B. Now I had to figure out a way to not flunk out of not one but two classes my freshman year.

The stress was eating away at me. I didn’t need him adding to that. Taking a deep breath, I threw my phone down on the bed and started going back over the syllabus for my classes. There must be something I could do to get my grades up. Even if it meant pulling an all-nighter to get extra credit work done to boost my grade to at least a C.

It was just past eleven when my phone screen lit up. Ryder had gone with Paul to the frat house party Brandon so desperately wanted me to come to. I knew the party would be in full force if I showed up now.

Brandon: get your ass over here

I knew he was probably drunk and just wanted me to enjoy the night with him, but I was growing tired of the way he talked to me. This couldn’t be what a healthy relationship was like. Although, being that this was the longest one I had ever been in, maybe this was how they were supposed to go. I was his girlfriend and most of the other girls who dated the fraternity brothers never missed a party or a wet t-shirt contest when it happened.

Katie: I’m coming now, keep it in your pants.

Changing into a pair of jeans and an off the shoulder shirt, I dug through my closet looking for my black flats. Damn, Ryder must have taken them again. Heels would have to do. Looking at myself once more before walking out of my room, I tussled my hair a little. It would have to do for now. It’s not like I had anyone to impress. Being Brandon Flynn’s girlfriend, I was spoken for, and everyone on campus knew it.