“Now you’re avoiding.”
“I am.” Melinda scooted closer. “I couldn’t wait another second and took the test this morning. Now I’m freaking out. Chad won’t be home for another day, and I can’t tell him over the phone or in a text.”
It took Trinity all of three seconds to figure out what Melinda was talking about, and her heart swelled with happiness for her new friend. “Are you serious? Are you sure?”
“I took it twice.”
Trinity jumped out of her chair and grabbed Melinda. “I’m so excited for you.”
“Of all the people I could have told…” Melinda’s words trailed off as she sniffled. “That was so insensitive of me. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Stop that,” Trinity said. “I’m sure you don’t want to tell others before you tell Chad, so I’m glad you felt like I was a safe place to land.”
Melinda pulled back and brushed her hair from her face. “I’m bursting at the seams with happiness, but I’m terrified at the same time.”
Trinity took Melinda’s hands. “I can only imagine all the emotions going through your heart right now. The only advice I have for you is to relax and think only good things. Enjoy this time and try not to stress. I know it won’t be easy, but you need to be as stress-free as possible.”
“The stress happens in my mind. I’m even afraid to tell Chad because what if it doesn’t take?”
“That’s a reasonable fear,” Trinity said. “A lot of women feel that way. You’re not alone. Many people don’t tell family and friends until they’re past the third month. And I think that might be a good thing for you and Chad. But I don’t want you to focus on the reason you’re keeping your happiness to yourselves. Focus on being a couple and experiencing this together.”
Melinda tilted her head. “Can I keep you? Forever?”
Trinity squeezed her hands. “Yes.” For some reason, that brought up a flashing image of Kathy, but not in a good way.
On the outside, it appeared that Kathy was a supportive friend. She almost always answered the phone when she called. Was always willing to meet Trinity for a bite or a drink when she was having a bad day.
But while that was all good, Kathy didn’t think Trinity should be defending her father. And while Kathy never once said that she thought Trinity’s dad had killed those men, she’d implied it a few times. Whenever Trinity called her out on it, Kathy would hold her hands up and act all hurt and say something like,I was only repeating what the world is saying about him. I didn’t mean to make it out like I believed it.
But maybe she did.
Hell, most people did.
“You’re a good person,” Melinda said. “I hope we can remain friends.”
“So do I.” Trinity kissed Melinda’s cheek.
Melinda glanced over her shoulder as she wiped the tears that had dripped from her eyes. “I knew you and Emmett would hook up.”
“It’s all your fault. You put the thought in my head.”
“I did nothing of the sort.” Melinda laughed. “It was already there.”
“That’s a fair statement.” Trinity watched Emmett as he paced behind the sofa in the living room. She could tell he looked stressed about something, but she wasn’t sure what. “He’s really sweet, but I think I’m in over my head.”
“It’s too much, too soon.”
“Honey, don’t overanalyze this. Just enjoy it,” Melinda said.
“And what happens when I go back to Pensacola?”
“It’s not like that’s the other side of the country.”
There were so many reasons Trinity didn’t want to get involved in a long-distance relationship. But the only one that mattered was the last time she had ended up moving to another city because she couldn’t stand having every waking moment consumed by thoughts of what her boyfriend was doing.
It was so bad that she hadn’t seen the signs that Alex wasn’t the most tuned-in person and that he was more interested in himself and his image than her or their future together.