Trinity hadn’t blushed since she was a teenager, yet her cheeks heated. She figured they had to be bright red at this point.
Emmett reached across the table and snagged the syrup. He poured an aggressive amount over his second helping of French toast and then drizzled some onto his bacon. “You’re being awfully quiet this morning.”
“I feel like everyone is staring at us.”
He had the nerve to chuckle. “Just Melinda and her staff, and only because I haven’t spent the night here since she and I broke up. I think they find it weird and awkward.”
She pushed a couple of pieces of pineapple across her plate. “Not to mention you’re on like your third breakfast. Do you always eat this much?”
“I worked up an appetite.” He winked.
The corners of her mouth tipped upward in an unwanted smile. But she couldn’t help it. Last night had been less about sex and more about connection. It had been a long time since she’d felt this close to another person. Trust didn’t come easily to her—not after Alex. Yet she found herself letting Emmett into her heart and soul with ease.
“Keep smiling at me like that, and I’ll pick you right up out of that chair and take you back to bed.”
“Promises, promises,” she whispered. She’d missed this part of being in a relationship. She’d avoided getting involved too deeply with anyone, never allowing anyone to get to know the real Trinity. No one saw her vulnerabilities.
However, she’d shown Emmett all of them. He’d seen deep inside her soul and hadn’t left.
“Good morning, or should I say almost afternoon,” Melinda said. “I see you’re taking advantage of being a special guest and having breakfast for lunch, even though we stopped serving breakfast over an hour ago and don’t serve lunch for another half hour.”
“Sorry,” Emmett said. “Your staff offered. I accepted.”
“I’ve got a dumb question.” Trinity waved her fork. “How can you call this a bed and breakfast when you serve your guests lunch? And you offer dinner when requested twenty-four hours in advance.”
“First, that dinner is an up-charge, so it’s not like it’s part of the price of admission.” Melinda placed her hand on her hip and smiled. “Second, I want to be known as the best in South Florida. I charge a little more, but I have a lot more to offer than your average B and B, though I’m not a hotel.”
“Didn’t I hear you’re going to be on some television show about unique places to stay?” Emmett asked.
“I am. As soon as Chad gets back from his business trip, the camera crew is coming to set up and film. I didn’t want to do it without my husband at my side. Speaking of his return,” Melinda said, keeping her gaze focused on Trinity. “I believe you lost our bet.”
Trinity swallowed. Her cheeks went from hot to on fire. “I don’t think it was actually a bet.”
“Oh. It was. I remember exactly, and now one of you owes me full price for your stay.”
“I’m a little in the dark here.” Emmett set his fork down. “What are we discussing?”
Trinity blinked. “Nothing,” she said quietly.
Melinda laughed. “I bet Trinity that the two of you would end up in bed together before Chad came home. The only thing I didn’t expect was that it would happen under my roof.” She shifted her stance and her gaze. “The staff is seriously shocked. It’s all they can talk about.”
Trinity groaned. “Wonderful. That’s the last thing I need.”
“Relax. They love you and think you’re great for Emmett,” Melinda said. “Though they worry he’s not good enough for you.”
“Aren’t you funny?” Emmett said, waving his cell. “It’s Rhett. I’d better take it.” He excused himself from the table.
Melinda plopped down into the empty chair and picked up one of the syrup-doused pieces of bacon. She stared at it for a long moment before scrunching her nose, tossing it back onto the plate, and shoving all of it aside.
“What’s wrong?” Trinity asked.
“I can’t wait for Chad to come home,” Melinda said. “While I’m not a huge fan of him traveling all the time, I’ve gotten used to it. Besides, this place is a lot to deal with, and Chad sometimes has too many opinions.” Melinda rested her elbow on the table. “I’m a bit of a control freak and have never liked being told how to do something. It used to cause problems with Emmett and me, and it causes the same problems with Chad. I’m working on it.”
“Not to be rude, but you also talk around what’s going on.”
Melinda waved her finger. “You’re quite observant.”